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SEC Investor Alert: Exercise Caution with Crypto Asset Securities

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, The SEC’s Office of Investor Education and Advocacy continues to urge investors to be cautious if considering an investment involving crypto asset securities.  Investments in crypto asset securities can be exceptionally volatile and speculative, and the platforms where investors buy, sell, borrow, or lend these securities may lack important protections for investors.  The risk of loss for individual investors who participate in transactions involving crypto assets, including crypto asset securities, remains significant.  The only money you should put at risk with any speculative investment is money you can afford to lose entirely.  Investors should understand that:

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SEC Nearly Doubles Size of Enforcement’s Crypto Assets and Cyber Unit

Utah Software Engineer Mints Physical Bitcoins
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Washington DC, .The Securities and Exchange Commission today announced the allocation of 20 additional positions to the unit responsible for protecting investors in crypto markets and from cyber-related threats. The newly renamed Crypto Assets and Cyber Unit (formerly known as the Cyber Unit) in the Division of Enforcement will grow to 50 dedicated positions.

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