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Readers say Dan Fishbein no longer has an excuse to delay taking “appropriate” action

Dan Fishbein 10

Dan the man Fishbein no longer has an excuse to delay taking “appropriate” action.

This is a leadership failure by the super and worthless principal This is our fault for accepting the steady decline of our schools and the high school

The high school needs a strong leader, we went the easy route and picked some local without the right skills who is not very concerned about or able to lead when challenged

For school budget of 100m plus a year we should have the best there is in these positions, not just ones that meet the job posting within 5 miles

That is what we have Really a sad state for the kids.

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Coffee and Convo with the Ridgewood Board of Ed members and Dan Fishbein is next Wednesday, October 18 at the Ed Center

Dan Fishbein 10

October 17,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Remember that Coffee and Convo with the Board of Ed members and Dan Fishbein is next Wednesday, October 18 at the Ed Center. Hope you can stop by for a cup and a chat between 7 and 8:30 p.m.!

Members of the Ridgewood Board of Education and Superintendent of Schools Dr. Daniel Fishbein will host residents for coffee and casual conversation on Wednesday, October 18 from 7-8:30 p.m. at the Ed Center, 49 Cottage Place. Residents are welcome to drop in and share their thoughts, questions, suggestions and concerns.


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New Jersey may raise superintendent salaries

Dan Fishbein 10

Hannan Adely , Staff Writer6:09 p.m. EST November 16, 2016

New Jersey officials are considering a plan to raise salaries for school superintendents, in a move local leaders hope will keep the school chiefs from fleeing their jobs for more lucrative work.

Acting Education Commissioner Kimberley Harrington proposed changes Wednesday that would raise the maximum salary from $175,000 to $191,584 and allow for 2 percent raises in subsequent years.