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Ridgewood High School Students Excelled in Language Arts

June 21,2017
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ,Ridgewood High School Students Excelled in Language Arts including a record number (148) of RHS French students took the National French Exam, with 52 receiving Honorable Mention certificates, 28 ranking among the top percentiles in their respective levels, and one — in a first for RHS — earning the platinum award.

RHS students in Spanish levels III, IV, and V participated in the National Spanish Exam, with 33 achieving either Gold, Silver, or Bronze national status. Brianna Patek received first place in  the state for Classroom Experience, and Maria Esteve received first place in the state for Out- side Experience, for the Level V exam. Anika Tsapatsaris and another student (name withheld) achieved second and third respectively for Level IV Class- room Experience.