file photo of Roberta interfering with petitioners
The same Roberta Sonnefeld who:
>Created a revenue scheme to fine taxpayers during leaf collection season and bragged about the tens of thousands of dollars the village collected?
>Refused to detail how much parking fees would increase under the monster garage plan?
>Took a giant check on behalf of the village from the baseball association to help convert Schedler to a “field” despite residents saying they didn’t want it?
>Ignored residents pleas before and after the “bike lane to nowhere” was painted as congestion overtook the overpass as they predicted then told them everything was fine and they were wrong?
>Actively worked with developer John Saraceno on behalf of the monster garage?
>Sat idly by as the historic commission violated conflict of interest rules when voting on the garage and sought to limit an elected member’s right to speak?
>Resigned saying she didn’t support the council’s agenda?
That same Roberta?