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6 reasons the dark days of N.J.’s old DMV hell may have returned


By Larry Higgs | NJ Advance Media for
on October 19, 2016 at 9:00 AM, updated October 19, 2016 at 11:13 AM

As little as three years ago, an story declared the “bad old days of the DMV” — long lines, rude employees and a bureaucracy from hell, were a thing of the past.

In 2002, then Gov. James E. McGreevey convened the “Fix DMV” commission, which delivered a report about how to deal with the Division of Motor Vehicles chronic problems of lines, long waits and inefficiencies. The Nov. 2002 report led to the creation of the current Motor Vehicle Commission.

Under the MVC, wait times and lines had gotten shorter. Even beleaguered Jersey drivers stuck up for the agency, saying that it was better than it used to be.