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Governor Murphy Signs Joint Resolution Establishing July 5th as Larry Doby Day

Passaic County Hall of Famer Larry Doby

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Paterson NJ, Governor Phil Murphy today signed a joint resolution (AJR221) designating July 5th of each year as Larry Doby Day. This day of recognition honors the incredible legacy of Lawrence “Larry” Eugene Doby, a pioneer in the desegregation of professional baseball in the United States.

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Benjamin Franklin Middle School Student Tosses the First Pitch at a Jackals Home Game in Hinchliffe Stadium

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photos courtesy of Ridgewood Schools

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Nick G., a student at Benjamin Franklin Middle School, loves learning about different sports teams and especially their mascots. Recently, Nick, a 7th grader in the school’s RISe program, was invited to throw out the first pitch at a Jackals home game! Nick was super excited and was able to meet all of the teammates. Nice toss, Nick!

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