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How Much Should You Settle for Your Car Accident Injury Case?

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After a car accident, when all the emotional shock and the adrenaline rush is gone, the money will probably be the next at the forefront of any victim’s mind. After all, even if their injuries were minor, they’re going to be dealing with medical bills, car repairs, missing work and not making money, and other disruption to their personal and professional life. If you have never been in this kind of situation before, you may have no idea what to expect or how much money you are entitled to. That’s why it is strongly advised to hire a professional lawyer to help you get through this situation and get the most out of it.

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How a personal injury attorney can shield you from insurance company lawyers

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Personal injury, no matter the cause, is not something that anyone wants to deal with. It can make it hard for you to go to work, it can make it difficult to go about your daily life, and it can make each day painful. Taking the time to find out what a personal injury lawyer can do for you may be able to help you determine what to do and how to proceed after personal injury. 

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Reader says , If you want free stuff because it’s “just,” I recommend you find somewhere else to go

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photo by Boyd Loving

“Some of you guys in the comments are disgusting. You know nothing about black history or why people are protesting. Black people have been fighting for equality for over 400 years. Educate yourselves before you speak. Stop being Karen’s & Kens & pick up a damn history book. Black people have to work 10 times harder than a white man or woman just because we’re black. You’ll never understand but at least stand for what’s right. You people disgust me.
A young BLACK a woman”

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How Lawyers Can Help You on a Personal Injury Case

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Having an accident is a stressful time for anyone, especially when it puts you out of action and you’re unable to continue with work. This can lead to being unable to pay the bills and might even end up with you losing your job if you don’t approach the situation in the right way. 

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Choosing the Best Personal Injury Lawyer: What to Keep in Mind

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If you have suffered an injury or have come to some harm through no fault of your own, then you’ll probably be looking for a good personal injury lawyer to help you get the compensation that you deserve. There are many things that could happen to cause an injury to your person, from road traffic accidents to accidents at work or whilst engaging in leisure activities. You will normally be entitled to claim against whoever is at fault, or the party responsible for the negligence that led to your injury. However, in order to ensure that you get the maximum amount of compensation you deserve, it’s crucial to have the right personal injury lawyer by your side. Here are some top factors to keep in mind when making your choice. 

Type of Injury

The type of injury that you have sustained may well be worth considering when it comes to choosing the right personal injury lawyer for your case. For example, you can find lawyers who specialize in different types of injury claims such as road accidents, workplace injuries, or this New York City personal injury attorney who takes on catastrophic injury and trauma cases. 

Previous Experience

Another key factor to keep in mind when making your choice is the previous experience of the attorney that you are considering. Getting certain groups or people to pay you compensation can be a challenging process, so it’s important to make sure that you have a lawyer who is experienced in the fight. The right lawyer will be able to guide you through the process and help you better understand what a personal injury claim entails, whilst helping you get a positive result from even the most challenging of cases. The Seattle accident lawyer are among the most trusted and experienced accident lawyers.


It’s important to also consider the reputation of the lawyer that you choose. A reputable lawyer will not only be more respected in the courts when fighting your personal injury case but you can also trust them to do the best job. Maybe law firms will have third-party reviews online at sites such as TrustPilot or Google Reviews, which you can use to your advantage when checking out prospective attorneys to use. 


Along with their professional assets, it’s worth keeping in mind that personality qualities are also an important factor to consider when it comes to choosing a good personal injury lawyer. It’s no secret that people who get along will always work better together, and the same is true for you and your personal injury attorney. As this is a person or group of people that you will be spending a significant amount of time with discussing and planning your case, it’s important to choose a lawyer who you feel comfortable around, particularly if the details of your injury are distressing for you as you will need to discuss these particulars. 

If you’ve suffered an injury that wasn’t your fault, keep these factors in mind to find the best personal injury lawyer for you. If you found this article useful, we’d love to hear from you in the comments. 

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Unusual Situations That A Lawyer Would’ve Been Handy


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Not every single legal situation or matter requires hiring an attorney. Simple cases such as small claims court attendance and fighting parking or speeding ticket are examples of such. However, there are major situations, including very sticky ones that call for the presence of a lawyer. Most of these are very important cases involving deals, challenges and court disputes among several others that you wouldn’t want to toil with and lose.

While determining and establishing whether or not you require a lawyer depends on one’s legal scenario or situation, there are times that really call for hiring a lawyer. Most of these include a sticky situation where failing to work with one simply means losing claims, breaking the agreement or far much worse as jail time.

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This is why NJ once again has the highest auto insurance costs

Rollover Crash on Lincoln Ave in Ridgewood leaves Driver Trapped

file photo by Boyd Loving

By Joe Cutter February 9, 2017 2:33 AM

For the fifth year in a row, New Jersey has the highest average auto insurance costs in the country.

The figures are from the National Association of Insurance Commissioners. Christine O’Brien, president of the Insurance Council of New Jersey, says this is a result of New Jersey being such a densely-populated state.

“The chances of accidents are high. The frequency is high, the severity can be high. The cost to repair your car, to pay for your medical bills while in an accident, are all high in New Jersey.”

O’Brien says we have the good fortune of owning fairly decent cars in New Jersey, but they cost a lot to maintain.

“We also have a number of them on the road in record numbers,” she adds.

O’Brien says the average premium runs about $1,200 a year. The National Association of Insurance Commissioners report said Jersey drivers pay an average of $1,263 a year as of 2014. They say the national average for auto insurance is $866.

Read More: This is why NJ once again has the highest auto insurance costs |

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Port Authority has $1.75M tab for lawyers in probe of Pulaski Skyway funding

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The Port Authority has spent $1.75 million on outside lawyers to shield itself and its employees from an investigation into whether it improperly used toll money from its Hudson River crossings to fix state roads in New Jersey, records show.

The probe by the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission has attracted much less attention than the federal probe into the George Washington Bridge lane closures, which resulted in the indictments of two former allies of Governor Christie in May. But in an indication of the seriousness and scope of the road-repair funding investigation, the agency has quietly spent more than 2½ times as much on outside legal fees as it did during the lane-closure probe, according to agency data.

Thus far, nothing has come of the investigation into the Port Authority’s decision, at the urging of the Christie administration, to redirect $1.8 billion in toll money to rebuild the Pulaski Skyway and three other New Jersey roads.

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Under new N.J. bill, personal injury lawyers would have to wait 30 days before contacting accident victims


Under new N.J. bill, personal injury lawyers would have to wait 30 days before contacting accident victims

State lawmakers want to give accident victims a head start over ambulance chasers with a bill that would punish lawyers and other professionals who write to them within 30 days of an accident.

The measure (A4430) was approved 6-0 by the Assembly Judiciary Committee today and is expected to be taken up by the full Senate and Assembly on Monday.

Currently, lawyers, doctors, chiropractors and other health care workers are barred from soliciting victims in person, by phone or online for 30 days — although the bill’s sponsors say the law is largely unenforced, if at all.  (Friedman, The Star-Ledger)

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N.J. Bar Association backs judges, government lawyers in their bid to avoid health and pension benefit hikes


N.J. Bar Association backs judges, government lawyers in their bid to avoid health and pension benefit hikes

New Jersey’s judges and government-paid attorneys want to see the recently approved increase in the cost of health and pension benefits as it affects them repealed by the Legislature and the governor and the New Jersey State Bar Association on Thursday announced it plea has its support.

The judges and Bar Association argue the legislation threatens the independence of the judiciary and will impair the ability of courts and the government to fulfill their duties to the public.  (Hester, New Jersey Newsroom)