the staff of the Ridgewood blog
River Vale NJ, from the desk of Assemblywomen Holly Schepisi : REALLY IMPORTANT ELECTION INFORMATION REGARDING THE BERGEN COUNTY ELECTIONS. YOUR ABILITY TO PROPERLY VOTE MAY BE IN JEOPARDY IF YOU DO NOT READ THIS. Notwithstanding widely shared information to the contrary, if you are voting by mail in Bergen you must return two separate ballots, one with all of the candidates from US Senate down to municipal and board of education and one separate special ballot solely for Sheriff. If you previously received a Vote by Mail Ballot in the month of September or October you MUST RETURN the original ballot received. A separate ballot solely for Sheriff will be sent to you that MUST ALSO BE RETURNED. Many people held off returning their originally received Ballot thinking that an entirely new one with all candidates and the Sheriff would be issued. This is incorrect. If your threw out or misplaced your original Ballot you must proactively contact the Bergen County Clerk’s Office at (201) 336-7000 to request a new one. Please share this post with your friends and family in Bergen County.