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Glen Rock to unveil two electric vehicle charging stations

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Glen Rock NJ, Mayor Bruce Packer, the Borough of Glen Rock Council, and the Glen Rock Environmental Commission will unveil two electric vehicle charging stations at the Main Line Station parking lot on Sunday December 2.

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Glen Rock Mayor commented on Facebook New Jersey’s effort to Legalize Marijuana

Glen Rock Mayor Bruce Packer

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Glen Rock NJ, Mayor Bruce Packer commented on Facebook New Jersey’s effort to Legalize Marijuana , “I realize that this is quite a hot button issue in our state so if you are not aware, the NJ Senate and Assembly will be holding a joint hearing on Monday on Senate bill 2703, the New Jersey Cannabis Regulatory and Expungement Aid Modernization Act.
Any legislation will include an ‘opt out’ provision that would allow municipalities to opt out of the legal sale of marijuana. This is a complicated and ever changing issue and any questions or comment should be directed to our state legislators.As far as Glen Rock is concerned, it is premature for us to make any decisions with regard to opting out but we will have plenty of time to have that discussion once we know what happens at the state level.
The banning ordinances that were passed in many municipalities to date have no impact on the potential ‘opt out’ provision and are, effectively, meaningless from a legal perspective. We will all have to go through the same process to opt out if the state legislation is passed, irrespective of any ordinances that were passed prior to the new law.”

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Glen Rock Focuses on Improving School Safety and Security

Glen Rock Police

file photo by Boyd Loving

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Glen Rock NJ, With our continued focus on improving safety and security, a team comprised of emergency personnel, school officials, and Borough officials has come together with the goal of optimizing radio reception within school buildings. Several communication security vendors were brought in to assess the current situation and recommend any potential improvements.

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Reader says don’t ask the rest of us to do what you won’t just because your party’s policies always fail and you simply want to nullify our suffrage with the votes of the eternally-dependent

Glen Rock Mayor Bruce Packer

“The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. ” Winston Churchill.

Put another way, truth does not equate to nastiness and yes, some countries are indeed shitholes. By any reasonable metric (per capita GDP, average longevity, infant mortality, hours per day the electricity is on, availability of clean water, basic human rights protections, percentage of GDP stolen by politicians, nutritional intake, average educational level, percentage of the country ruled by warlords or criminal gangs, etc. etc.), Haiti, Somalia and North Korea are “shitholes”. Shitholes are usually distinguished by comparing the number of people trying (or merely wishing) to get out of the country compared to the number trying to get in. If the former is above five figures or 30 percent and the latter is approaching zero, the country probably qualifies as a shithole. Usually, shitholes have reached their wretched state because of the culture and institutions (not the skin color, but nice try at attempting to inject the hackneyed Leftist racial angle) of the people who live in them. And be honest (if you’re capable), who would be more likely to have a positive contribution to the United States in terms of employability (aka “self-sufficiency”) and taxes paid vs. benefits consumed, someone from the countries listed above or someone from Norway (not exclusively, that was simply the leader Trump had just met with). Either way, this question is above Mayor Packer’s pay grade and he has absolutely nothing to say about who moves to Glen Rock. That is determined by the means of the person who rents or buys there, which usually excludes people who emigrate from shitholes. He should stick to his knitting and just make sure the potholes get filled in on time. As for you, if your bleeding heart keeps you up at night,, sponsor a family in a qualifying country (as I have for a family in Guatemala for 25+ years). But don’t ask the rest of us to do what you won’t just because your party’s policies always fail and you simply want to nullify our suffrage with the votes of the eternally-dependent.

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Glen Rock Mayor says Glen Rock Welcomes People from “shithole countries”

Glen Rock Mayor Bruce Packer

January 12,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Glen Rock NJ, Glen Rock Mayor Bruce Packer  says Glen Rock Welcomes People from shithole countries,

Packer at the Glen Rock REOG meeting said , “I had mentioned in my speech at the reorg meeting that I would like to see the council reconsider the Welcoming Community Resolution. To those who say it is not necessary, because we obviously welcome everyone, I would suggest that you probably would have said the same thing about our country. You know, “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses, yearning to breathe free…” and all that. Nothing about exclusions for shithole countries.That is what our country used to stand for and what Glen Rock still stands for.This is not a partisan statement but this is what patriotism should look like.We can’t assume that everyone is willing to welcome one and all when the elected leader of our country does not.
I’d love to see our local leadership send that clear message and we will include it on a future agenda for discussion.
I am a true believer that, as Martin Luther King Jr said, “Silence is Complicity” and I could not stay silent after seeing what was said.”

The question remains will Ridgewood follow suit ?