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NJ Senator Michael Testa : Murphy’s Sanctuary State Policies Handcuff Law Enforcement & Set Criminal Aliens Free

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The following editorial by Senator Michael Testa (R-1) on the outrageous outcomes of Governor Phil Murphy’s sanctuary state policies was published by on February 4, 2020:

The sanctuary state policies implemented by Gov. Phil Murphy and his administration have handcuffed the ability of New Jersey’s dedicated law enforcement officers to keep the Garden State safe.

That was made clear by President Donald Trump during his visit to New Jersey several days ago, when he highlighted the disturbing case of Luciano Trejo-Dominguez, an illegal alien who was arrested and temporarily jailed last August for the alleged rape of a 13-year-old girl in Vineland.

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Murphy’s Sanctuary State Directive : A Reckless Political Agenda

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Trenton NJ, This week, Governor Phil Murphy doubled down on his Administration’s decision to direct local elected officials to impede federal immigration officials in their sworn duty to enforce federal immigration laws. Murphy’s Attorney General issued a strongly worded warning to two county Sheriffs, just weeks after a similarly stern-worded missive sought to prevent Sussex County voters from expressing their views on the State’s immigration and Sanctuary policies.

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