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Opening Day is April 1st for Major League Baseball

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ,  Opening Day is April 1st for Major League Baseball , all 30 will play in 15 games nationwide . According to the US Census , MLB has 29 teams spread across 25 metro areas in the United States and one in Canada. Four metros have two teams each:  the three largest — New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago — and No. 12 San Francisco. The 30th MLB team, Canada’s Toronto Blue Jays, is in a metro area with an estimated 6.3 million population, so would rank sixth if it were in United States.

Both the Yankees and Mets have away games for the home opener.

“During the late 19th and 20th centuries, baseball was the most widely played sport in the United States, earning the title ‘America’s pastime’… The story of baseball and the story of our nation are intertwined.”

— National Archives

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