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Reader says No amount of words will ever change the fact that forcing an artificial reality

bike path way ridgewood train station

The original poster (Reader Attempts to explain the flawed logic behind the Garber Square Traffic Mess) is lots of bloviating to “add gravitas” to a series of conjured up assumptions and desires in an attempt to force a narrow vision of “utopia” (which really translates to a state of misery) upon the “ignorant masses” (in this case RW residents)
No amount of words will ever change the fact that forcing an artificial reality (misguided utopia) upon the people does not change the actual reality nor will the imposition of a forced artificial “utopia” change the actions of the people.
The prudent, common sense and responsible thing to do would be to ACCOMODATE the desires of the people while trying to make the situation safer and “better” (for example, scarifying the asphalt).
Unfortunately common sense is no longer taught nor valued in America.
Just curious… is the OP a product of a Ridgewood education?