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Rep. Josh Gottheimer Abandoned his Constituents drops Ball on Promised SALT deductions

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ramsey NJ, Republican Congressional Candidate Frank Pallotta (N.J.-05) issued the following statement on Rep. Josh Gottheimer’s hypocritical about-face on SALT deductions in Democrats’ new tax-and-spend bill:

Continue reading Rep. Josh Gottheimer Abandoned his Constituents drops Ball on Promised SALT deductions

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Congressman Leonard Lance says No Deal on Iran Nuke Deal


Sep 14, 2015
staff of the Ridgewood blog

WASHINGTON, D.C – Congressman Leonard Lance (NJ-07), co-chair of the House Republican Israel Caucus,released the following statement after a series of House measures were considered concerning the President’s nuclear agreement with Iran:

“Today I opposed the nuclear agreement with Iran because it does not prevent the world’s leading state-sponsor of terror from attaining nuclear weapons.  Instead the deal emboldens and legitimates an antagonist of the United States and Israel, a regime known for human rights abuses and the torturing of American hostages and an ally of the world’s worst actors.  The deal awards Iran billions of dollars in sanctions relief without ensuring the permanent dismantling of its existing nuclear infrastructure, the promise of ‘anytime, anywhere’ inspections, the elimination of intercontinental ballistic missiles, the advancement of freedom or any effort on Iran’s part to sever its many ties to terrorism.  And secret side agreements negotiated outside of public scrutiny further undermine that this deal will be verifiable and enforceable.

“This is the one of the most consequential votes I have taken in Congress and especially on this day I cast my vote for what I believe to be in the best interest of the safety of the American people and our allies and what is fundamentally in the national security of the United States.”