Ridgewood’s municipal budget calls for no new taxes
APRIL 17, 2014 LAST UPDATED: THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 2014, 2:56 PM
A preliminary $46.4 million budget presented by senior management and finance officials calls for no new taxes for the average Ridgewood taxpayer, a proposal that if adopted would mark the second consecutive year that village government offered residents a zero percent tax increase.
Based on the spending plan explained Wednesday by Village Manager Roberta Sonenfeld and Chief Finance Officer Steve Sanzari, the average municipal property tax bill would amount to $3,959, a sum determined by the average assessed home value of $688,000. The proposed tax bill is $5 less than the total from last year’s adopted budget.
Sonenfeld cautioned that numbers presented this week could change through continued discussions with department supervisors and governing officials – council members Gwenn Hauck and Bernadette Walsh were unable to attend Wednesday’s special public meeting. A final operating budget summation and review of the 2014 capital expenses is scheduled for April 21, and both spending plans will be introduced by the council on April 23.
“This is just the beginning of the decision phase of the budget,” she said. “But this is also the start of longer-term conversations and longer-term plans for how we want to strategize and how we want to deliver government services going forward.”
– See more at: https://www.northjersey.com/news/ridgewood-s-municipal-budget-calls-for-no-new-taxes-1.998476#sthash.exHiJFpP.dpuf