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Congressman Scott Garrett Issues a Congratulations thru the Ridgewood Blog to Charlotte Samuels completion of the open water triple crown


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Congressman Scott Garrett Issues a Congratulations thru the Ridgewood Blog to Charlotte Samuels completion of the open water triple crown
September 13,2014
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Charlotte Samuels, 16, who became the youngest person to complete the Triple Crown of open-water swimming last week by crossing the English Channel.

Charlotte attained the Triple Crown of open-water swimming by circumnavigating Manhattan, and crossing California’s Catalina Channel and the English Channel, all during this summer.

Rep Scott Garrett ,took time out of his schedule to give us a call to congratulate  Charlotte Samuels on her fantastic accomplishment . The congressman  spoke eloquently congratulating Charlotte for all the hard work and perseverance and also congratulated Charlotte’s parents, Suzanne and Steven for all their hard work and support  without which this could never happen .

Garret remarked it was an awe inspiring accomplishment for this young lady and that her efforts were setting and example for a whole generation .