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The Role of Originality and Innovation in Crafting a Good Research Paper

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Imagine a world where every research paper was a mere rehash of existing knowledge, a monotonous echo of familiar ideas. Such a world would be a stagnant pool of intellectual repetition. Thankfully, the realm of research is far from this bleak scenario. It is this spirit of originality and innovation that fuels the creation of impactful research, propelling us toward a deeper understanding of ourselves and the universe we inhabit.

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Rutgers Physicians, Researchers, and other Health Science Faculty Join Rutgers Facility Unions and Overwhelmingly Approve Strike Action

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

New Brunswick NJ, the union that represents 1300 Rutgers University physicians, researchers, and other health science faculty have voted overwhelmingly to authorize a strike, with 95% of clinicians who voted casting ballots in favor of a strike.

With this move, union members at AAUP-BHSNJ joined members at two other Rutgers faculty unions representing full-time faculty, graduate students, post-docs and part-time adjuncts, who held successful strike authorization votes earlier in the month.

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Researchers have found a surprisingly powerful effect of sleeping more


We all know sleep matters for job performance. After a week of vacation, you may find your work better than ever. But rack up a week of sleepless nights — say, following a polarizing presidential election — and you may find yourself struggling.

It wouldn’t surprise anyone that sleep affects attention, memory and cognition — important factors in the workplace. But striking new research suggests the effect of additional sleep has a high monetary value. Apaper — from Matthew Gibson of Williams College and Jeffrey Shrader of the University of California at San Diego, based on data from Jawbone, the fitness- and sleep-tracker company — says that additional time sleeping can translate into thousands of dollars in wages.

In fact, they calculate that a one-hour increase in weekly sleep raises wages by about half as much as an additional year of education.