January 8,2017
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, this is the Ridgewood school District Emergency Information . Next time there is a weather or other emergency the Ridgewood School District will respond to weather or other emergencies in one of four ways: cancellation of the school day; delayed opening; emergency early dismissal; or emergency minimum day. In these instances, district parents/guardians will be notified via the district website (www.ridgewood.k12.nj.us); an e-mail announcement; and the automatic telephone notification system. In addition, a message will be placed on the central office line at 201-670-2700; callers should press * for announcements.
2. DELAYED OPENING: Under the delayed opening plan, the school day will begin two hours later than usual. School bus schedules will operate two hours later. Children in grades K-5 who have not ordered lunches must bring a bag lunch to school. There will not be sufficient time for children to go home for lunch when there is a delayed opening.
3. EMERGENCY EARLY DISMISSAL: If it is necessary to dismiss early, every effort will be made to notify parents by way of announcements on the RPS district website, email, and the automatic telephone notification system. Middle and elementary school students will be released to responsible adults identified by parents on their child’s Emergency Card.
4. EMERGENCY MINIMUM DAY: If an early dismissal is anticipated before the start of school, for example, if weather conditions are expected to deteriorate after school begins but before the school day ends, all children will be dismissed at the closing times posted below. Every effort will be made to call an Emergency Minimum Day the night before or very early the morning of the anticipated emergency conditions via the customary notification channels. Cafeterias will not operate and lunches will not be provided. Students will attend school as follows:
RED Program: 9-11 a.m.
Kindergarten – Grade 5: 8:45 a.m.-12:45 p.m.
Grades 6-8: 8:00 a.m.-12:15 p.m.
Grades 9-12: 7:47 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Emergency closing information can also be obtained from: television news (Fox 5 WNYW-Channel 5, WNBC TV-Channel 4, WABC TV-Channel 7, WCBS TV – Channel 2, Cablevision Channel 12); the Fox News website, www.myfoxny.com; or the ABC website, www.7online.com. Please DO NOT CALL the police or fire departments or the individual schools for information on the closing of schools. These departments are not prepared to handle inquiries.