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6 Ways You Can Use CBD Products to Make Yourself Feel Better

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The Cannabinol CBD originates from the hemp plant and it has numerous benefits to those who use it. Many people associate CBD with smoking Marijuana, which is a reason many people are skeptical when it comes to this ingredient. However, CBD is legal and does not deliver the psychoactive compound that is found in THC, which is what gives individuals a high.

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Decriminalization of marijuana legislation strongly restricts the ability of police departments to communicate with parents about use of marijuana and alcohol by their children

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To the Parents of Washington Township,
On February 22, 2021, Governor Murphy signed three laws which legalized cannabis, decriminalized marijuana, and outlined procedures to have previous convictions and/or pending cases dismissed. We were aware of this pending legislation and understand that a majority of New Jersey residents voted to have marijuana legalized in the state. We did not anticipate, however, that this legislation would strongly restrict the ability of police departments in New Jersey to communicate with parents about use of marijuana and alcohol by their children.

Continue reading Decriminalization of marijuana legislation strongly restricts the ability of police departments to communicate with parents about use of marijuana and alcohol by their children