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Today is Flag Day !

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, June 14th is Flag day .Flag Day falls within National Flag Week, a time when Americans reflect on the foundations of the nation’s freedom. The flag of the United States represents freedom and has been an enduring symbol of the country’s ideals since its early days. During both events, Americans also remember their loyalty to the nation, reaffirm their belief in liberty and justice, and observe the nation’s unity.

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Flag Day : The Mysterious Origins of the American Flag

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JUNE 13, 2012 By Jesse Greenspan

The American flag has gone through many changes since it was adopted in 177 by the Second Continental Congress. As the adoption of the Stars and Stripes is commemorated on Flag Day, find out more about Old Glory’s mysterious origins and its rise to iconic prominence.

When the American Revolution broke out in 1775, the colonists didn’t yet unite under a single flag. Instead, they fought mainly under unit or regimental flags, according to Marc Leepson, author of the book “Flag: An American Biography.” One flag of the time featured a picture of a coiled rattlesnake with the slogan “Don’t Tread on Me,” while another showed a pine tree with the words “An Appeal to Heaven.” “There really wasn’t anything that was stars and stripes, red, white and blue,” said Mike Buss, a flag expert with the American Legion veterans’ organization.

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Reader says If you feel excluded and not represented by the American flag then this is the wrong country for you


Flying the flag at any cost goes hand in hand with extreme liberals fury against republicans. These people will stop at nothing to forcefully push and fulfill their agenda. If you just simply say you are against any flag other than the national flag flying in public property they will mercilessly attack you. It is impossible to express the simplest, most honest opinion on this very ordinary issue on any social media forum for you have to be really strong and respond in kind or be subdued and avoid conflict. To me it is simply stupid but also offending to the rest of the village community to ask so persistently about flying a flag because you are proud of leading a certain way of life. Fly your pride flag anywhere in your property be it your car, home, yard, bedroom, bathroom but do not touch public spaces which belong to all residents. If you feel excluded and not represented by the American flag then this is the wrong country for you. Stop trying to force people to like the way you live. I do not care what flag you fly, what life you lead, what you do at home etc. To me you are fellow residents whom I respect just like everybody else but you are inviting rejection by using these ugly tactics to impose your will to the rest of town’s population. I hope VC regardless of the immense pressure will not bend to satisfy this flag request.

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Reader says the only flag I want to see in the middle of the village is the flag of the USA


So, someone who is gay feels very proud of himself. Fair enough, it is his business. Now to express his pride he wants a flag flying in the middle of the village. Why? Can’t I also have a flag flying for myself? I am very proud of being a straight man. Where is the equality here? I claim I am being discriminated if a rainbow flag goes up and mine doesn’t. The only flag I want to see in the middle of the village is the flag of the USA which represents the pride of all Americans be it straight, gay, yellow, brown, black, white or whatever you want to be. In my opinion if you feel like the US flag doesn’t represent you you need to fly your own flag in your property.