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Controversy Surrounding Defense Secretary Austin’s Hospitalization Sparks Calls for Resignation and Transparency

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Washington DC, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s recent hospitalization, shrouded in secrecy and with delayed notifications to key officials, has triggered criticism and calls for transparency on Capitol Hill. The 70-year-old Austin’s admission to the hospital on January 1, following an undisclosed elective medical procedure, has raised questions about the Pentagon’s handling of the situation. Both Republicans and Democrats are demanding answers regarding the delayed disclosure and the potential impact on the chain of command.

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U.S. to Release Oil from Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR)

getty station

photo by Boyd Loving

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Washington DC, the White House announced the release of 50 million barrels from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) Tuesday morning. The announcement was made in concert with South Korea, China, Japan, India and the U.K., all of which will also release oil from their own strategic reserves. The oil market, however, had largely priced in SPR releases, as last week’s slide in prices showed. Analysts also point out that one-off sales from strategic reserves cannot do much to move oil prices significantly lower.

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Exclusive Interview: How Jared Kushner Won Trump The White House

Jared Kushner

Steven Bertoni ,


It’s been one week since Donald Trump pulled off the biggest upset in modern political history, and his headquarters at Trump Tower in New York City is a 58-story, onyx-glassed lightning rod. Barricades, TV trucks and protesters frame a fortified Fifth Avenue. Armies of journalists and selfie-seeking tourists stalk Trump Tower’s pink marble lobby, hoping to snap the next political power player who steps into view. Twenty-six floors up, in the same building where washed-up celebrities once battled for Trump’s blessing on The Apprentice, the president-elect is choosing his Cabinet, and this contest contains all the twists and turns of his old reality show.

Winners will emerge shortly. But today’s focus is on the biggest loser: New Jersey governor Chris Christie, who has just been fired from his role leading the transition, along with most of the people associated with him. The episode is being characterized as a “knife fight” that ends in a “Stalinesque purge.”

The most compelling figure in this intrigue, however, wasn’t in Trump Tower. Jared Kushner was three blocks south, high up in his own skyscraper, at 666 Fifth Avenue, where he oversees his family’s Kushner Companies real estate empire. Trump’s son-in-law, dressed in an impeccably tailored gray suit, sitting on a brown leather couch in his impeccably neat office, displays the impeccably polite manners that won the 35-year-old a dizzying number of influential friends even before he had gained the ear, and trust, of the new leader of the free world.

“Six months ago Governor Christie and I decided this election was much bigger than any differences we may have had in the past, and we worked very well together,” he says with a shrug. “The media has speculated on a lot of different things, and since I don’t talk to the press, they go as they go, but I was not behind pushing out him or his people.”

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The White House Won’t Reveal Who Attended Obama’s Secret Meeting With Muslim Leaders



The White House Won’t Reveal Who Attended Obama’s Secret Meeting With Muslim Leaders

President Obama met with American Muslim leaders this afternoon, according to the White House schedule, but so far the administration is unwilling to reveal who attended the meeting, which was closed to the press.

The White House released a readout of the meeting explaining that Obama discussed “a range of domestic and foreign policy issues” including Obamacare, police fairness, anti-Muslim discrimination, and the upcoming Summit on Countering Violence Extremism.

“The President discussed the need to continue countering ISIL and other groups that commit horrific acts of violence, purportedly in the name of Islam,” the readout continued.

White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest defended the meeting during his daily press briefing, pointing out that it wasn’t “unusual” for the president to meet with “a wide variety of communities from across the country.”

“Sometimes that includes religious leaders; sometimes that includes leaders that are involved in academia or other specific issue areas,” he explained.

But the White House was unwilling to release the names of leaders who attended the meeting.

A request to the White House for a list of names of those who attended the meeting was not returned.

According to the readout, Obama thanked the visitors noting that “his regular interactions with different faith communities provided him with valuable insights and feedback.”