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Ridgewood Board of Education Subterfuge and Attacks on Board Members Continues

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photo by Boyd Loving
by the staff of The Ridgewood Blog
Ridgewood NJ, It would appear as though Rob and Stacey Loscalzo don’t have enough street smarts to quit sending out outlandish e-mails, and stop making fools of themselves.
This is evidenced by a recent, publicly available e-mail they sent last week to Ridgewood Board of Education trustees, and to selected Ridgewood Board of Education staff members.

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One Village One Vote Question to Eliminate the $115 Million School Budget Vote Will be on the November 3rd ballot


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, a reader summed it up best,” Moving the school board election to November would not alter the public’s ability to vote for the best board candidates, which would happen whenever the election was held. It would in fact improve nothing and serve only to remove residents’ ability to approve or disapprove of the proposed budget. Our school budgets have become bizarrely bloated and represent moneys that are not appropriate for the size of the town. We deserve the right to vote for or against them.”

Continue reading One Village One Vote Question to Eliminate the $115 Million School Budget Vote Will be on the November 3rd ballot