Subject: Our Concerns and Request for Action Date: Sat, 26 Sep 2020 13:43:19
From: Stacey Loscalzo <sIoscaIzo1@gmaiI.com>
To: Daniel Fishbein <dfishbein@ridgewood.k12.nj.us>, Cristopher Kaufman
<ckaufman@ridgewood.k12.nj.us>, Hyun-Ju Kwak hkwak@ridgewood.k12.nj.us>, Mike Lembo <mIembo@ridgewood.k12. nj.us>, Sheila Brogan
<sbrogan@ridgewood.k12.nj.us>,Saurabh Dani <sdani@ridgewood.k12.nj. us>
Cc: Rob Loscalzo <rIoscaIzo@yahoo.com>, Antoinette Kelly
Dr. Fishbein, Ms. Brogan, Mr. Dani, Mr. Kaufman, Ms. Kwak and Mr.Lembo, I am writing to ask this board to consider how it is treating its constituents.
On September 12, a personal email that I shared with friends was posted on Facebook and the Ridgewood Blog.
On September 17, an OPRA request was filed with the following search words: “Stacey Loscalzo, Loscalzo and Dr. Fishbein’s Resignation: What to do.” Click here for the full request.
On September 25, Steve Kim posted a small section of my husband’s email to Dr.
Fishbein on the Facebook page, It Takes a Village linking to the OPRA Machine. By the end of the day, a link was published in a comment that included the full text of every email exchange my husband and I had with the BOE this Fall. On September 26, the entirety of my husband’s email was posted on the Ridgewood blog.
We stand by the content of our emails. In our messages, we stated our disagreement with the actions of the current board. We expressed our wishes that the membership of the board would change if that would allow Dr. Fishbein to remain. It is well within our right to state our opinions of public officials. In exchange for our expression of disagreement, we have been publicly condemned.
While you were indeed elected by a majority of voters this Spring, you do not represent the will of the entire Village. No elected official does. I encourage you to think back to the numerous times public comments were made and scathing social media posts were written criticizing members of the prior board all of whom, like you, were fairly elected. Each of these citizens had the right, like we do, to state their opinions.
Your supporters and your family members have singled out my family and acted as if our criticism is something to be publicly condemned. We have been called racists, bigots, despicable, pure poison and assholes. These are only a few of the words thathave been used to describe us in response to our sharing a negative view of publicly elected officials.
My husband and I are far from the only people who disagree with the actions taken by this board but you are standing back while our reputations in this community are threatened.
Lest you truly believe that the Loscalzos are the only ones who disagree with the actions taken by this board, let me remind you that at public comment on September 14, the Ridgewood Administrator’s Association declared their unanimous vote of no confidence in the current Ridgewood Board of Education.
As you know, OPRA is intended to hold public officials accountable. Not private citizens. I ask this board to take action. We live in a country where every individual is entitled to state their opinion without fear of intimidation.
Please let us know what you will do to address this. Thank you,
Stacey and Rob Loscalzo
Subject: Correction: Our Concerns and Request for Action
HyunJu Kwak
a concerted effort by a minority of people in the Village looking to disenfranchise voters
So Ms. Loscalzo is asking the Board of Education what they are going to do about the fact that her husband sent a letter in the public domain and it was made public. Man oh man she REALLY thinks she is in charge of the world.
Well I bet Stacey and Siobhan are having a big cry-fest, wringing their hands and gnashing their teeth because their racist campaign against two board members is now public
Ms. Loscalzos letter is no more than a petulant stamping of her little designer-clad foot, so indignant that someone isnt DOING SOMETHING to clear her name and that of her husband. They sullied themselves, they can clean up their own mess. Why do they ask the Board to do something?!?!?!
Here’s the complete series of e-mails sent to the BOE:
If you go through that whole 110 pages, much is repetetive. But on Page 82 Ms. Brogan provides an interesting road map on how ethics violations might be committed by Board Members. Sheila, have you looked in the mirror?
Very tiny minority of assholes trying to keep the rest of us from voting. I believe the terminology Ms. Loscalzo and Ms. Thiesen used awhile back was they wanted to “filter” certain people out. What a despicable group.
Vote no
Vote no
Vote no
Maybe these 2 geniuses don’t know what OPRA means?
Rob & Stacey: THINK before you hit send the next time.
Earth to Rob & Stacey – OPRA requests entitle the requester to see both sides of the communication, not just what the public official wrote. Jeez; are you both dumber than dirt or what?
You were publicly condemned because you attempted to publicly oust 2 minority BOE trustees. You got what you deserved.
Looks like Sheila has gone rogue and is trying to solicit help from residents against her fellow board trustees.
Stacey is not educated on OPRA, she says “As you know, OPRA is intended to hold public officials accountable. Not private citizens.” the facts are; “The law is compiled in the statutes as N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1 et seq. Specifically, OPRA is intended to: Expand the public’s right of access to government records; Create an administrative appeals process if access is denied; and ▪ Define what records are and are not “government records.” And what Stacey and her husband Rob can’t seem to comprehend is that all emails are public records. OPRA is not intended to hold public officials accountable, it makes records available to the public so we can see exactly what you and you’re husband were planning or proposing to plan with Dr. Fishbein, to forcibly remove two duly elected board members, because they don’t suit you. Without OPRA the public would not know about your evil plan, that, in-fact, is the purpose of OPRA.
It may be time to resign from RHS Girls Soccer Assoc president.
“…on Page 82 Ms. Brogan provides an interesting road map on how ethics violations might be committed by Board Members.”
Did you notice that Brogan’s reply to Stacey was addressed to Stacey only, she did not copy any of her own board members? Meanwhile, Kwak’s reply to Stacey begins with “Dear Ms. Loscalzo, I am copying the entire board in the spirit of transparency.”
Brogan goes on to apologize to Stacey, and provides her a roadmap to make her own ethics violation claims to further distract the board, but she makes no mention at all about Stacey ‘standing behind’ her husbands email to force the resignation of two of her fellow board members, perhaps Ms. Brogan needs to explain why she is apologizing to Stacey, on what appears to be on behalf of the board, (Mr. Lembo, please ask her about this, its a clear violation of the Boards trust, one board member does not speak for the entire board) and why she completely ignored their email to Fishbein suggesting forcing the resignation of her fellow board members, Kwak and Dani. Brogan has a lot of explaining to do to her fellow board members, in full public view, otherwise she needs to resign, she is apparently what is called ‘rogue’.
The consistency of their ignorance is impressive. Just out of curiosity, what exactly do they expect the Board to do in this situation…justify, defend, or excuse blatant bigotry???
How about the fact that the Board members are minority has no bearing. Just you trying to stir the pot.
given the people protesting its hard to believe there is not some racial animosity
So the people that are trying to get us to give up our school budget vote are trying to undo the last election behind the scenes? Now they’re crying for sympathy? No Stacey and Rob, you don’t represent a majority of Ridgewood. The voters spoke, and a majority disagree with you. You remember, the vote you are trying to undo. VOTE NO to giving up your right to vote, and to idiots like this taking control of the board again. VOTE YES to Rob and Stacey moving out of Ridgewood. (Wish we had THAT vote)
Loscalzo has a long past of dirty behind the scenes doing. I’m glad someone finally shined light on her dark side. Maybe now her and her flock will realize Ridgewood is no place for hate or dirty politics.
“These are only a few of the words thathave been used to describe us in response to our sharing a negative view of publicly elected officials.” – Stacey Loscalzo
Negative public view? Is that what you call trying to force the resignation of two duly elected school board members? And you begged the superintendent to go along with your devious plan. Once these emails were exposed, your plan blew up in your face. Dr Fishbein had to resign, you galvanized support for Dani and Kwak, and your No Vote No Village hopes were destroyed. Nice work, and thank you!
“We have been called racists, bigots, despicable, pure poison and assholes.”
If the shoe fits, wear it.
“We have been called racists, bigots, despicable, pure poison and assholes.”
And your point is?
Don’t feel so bad. The left has been calling the President all of those things.
You know, they readily accepted the results of the election and gave the President a fair shot at governing. (I think they gave him 5 minutes)
It’s not all about YOU, hunny buns and elections have consequences.
You are free to move to a different school district.
Very happy I no longer live in a town where the adults ON BOTH SIDES are acting more childish than the children. We will NEVER achieve world peace when even a town cannot rise above such animosity and disrespect for each other. Shameful.
Forced resignations? Filtering commenters at BOE meetings? Heavily censored Facebook group? Loscalzo, Thiesen, and Winograd? Reads like tactics employed by the Nazi party.
Some who marched down E Ridgewood Ave protesting for racial justice weeks later show up at a protest to push out the first two POC RBOE members. Hard to miss the hypocrisy.
I think we should oust Kaufman ’cause he’s just not smart. His “I should be on the school boards ’cause I have kids in the schools” was no reason to elect him in the first place. That dude is vacuous . . .
Rob and Stacey: do we really have to explain to you that DATA IS PERMANENT? Lesson learned: don’t send anything to anyone if you don’t want it published on the front page of a newspaper! Sadly, I think we’ll continue to see e-mails sent by you two geniuses. The reason: you can’t fix stupid.
Stacey: “We have been called racists, bigots, despicable, pure poison and assholes.”
In addition to these, I can think of a few that are significantly more vulgar. But, I’ll spare the blog readers and not post them here. 🙂