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Paramus Police Department : Gianna Francesco has been located safe. Thank you for everyone’s assistance.

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Paramus NJ, Missing Person: GIANNA FRANCESCO 16Y/O FEMALE, LAST SEEN WEARING PINK ZIP UP HOODIE, JEAN SHORTS, & WHITE SNEAKERS. SHE WAS LAST SEEN @ THE DUNKIN DONUTS ON FOREST AVE. Please call the Paramus Police Department if she is seen. 201-262-3400, or dial 911

5 thoughts on “Paramus Police Department : Gianna Francesco has been located safe. Thank you for everyone’s assistance.

  1. She has been found and is home.

  2. I’m glad she’s home safe, but back in the day I would have bet money she has a much older boyfriend who owns an IROC Camaro who took down the shore without permission from her parents.

  3. Stupid girl. What’s the matter with these kids today.

  4. its funny to read people’s comments about me lmaoo I was never missing

  5. I was never missing I just have crazy parents lmfaooo this is funny asf to read peoples comments

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