the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Trenton NJ, Acting to improve health care access for New Jersey residents, Governor Murphy today announced that the State of New Jersey will move to a State-Based Health Exchange for the year 2021 .
Transitioning to a State-Based Exchange (SBE) will give the state more control over the open enrollment period; access to data that can be used to better regulate the market, conduct targeted outreach and inform policy decisions; and allow user fees to fund exchange operations, consumer assistance, outreach and advertising. By redirecting the assessment on premiums, currently paid to the federal government to utilize a Federally-Facilitated Exchange (FFE), New Jersey can operate an exchange that is tailored and efficient for New Jersey residents.
The SBE itself can be created through Executive Action, beginning with today’s submission of a Declaration Letter by the state to the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). To fund the operation of the SBE, legislation will be required to transfer the current federal exchange user fee, which is presently set at 3.5% of premiums, to a 3.5% State-Based Exchange user fee for plan year 2021 – a rate that raises over $50 million a year. Maintaining the existing user fee in the individual market at 3.5% of premium in New Jersey will allow the state to dedicate funding towards outreach and enrollment efforts, which have been reduced at the federal level, as it transitions to an SBE for 20
Wait thats the MVC ???
Anything beaver teeth does is w fuckup.
Will I be able to cross the river to NYC doctors? I cannot with the Obama care or any insurance available for an individual to purchase .
I couldn’t “keep my doctor and keep my policy” since it’s no long offered after Obama ruined the best systems in the world.