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Reader says Gwenn, Paul, and Albert are some of the smartest, most devoted town leaders we have had in Ridgewood

Ridgewood 3 amigos

file photo by Boyd Loving

Am completely sickened by what people write on this blog about our elected officials. Gwenn, Paul, and Albert are some of the smartest, most devoted town leaders we have had in Ridgewood.

The electorate of Ridgewood voted FOR the parking garage by a 2-1 majority.

Why are you costing us more money with a $45,000 NEW referendum? Where were you the first time we voted? You came too late to the game, and you may win after all, but you haven’t done it by posting nasty things on this blog or with costly lawsuits and second referendums.

We need a table where people sit down together and discuss the misunderstandings here–not a social media blitz that calls information propaganda. The REAL propaganda is on this blog.

20 thoughts on “Reader says Gwenn, Paul, and Albert are some of the smartest, most devoted town leaders we have had in Ridgewood

  1. If you like a town divided by this group of three with there own agendas then there is nothing to be said for your lack of intelligence.

  2. In my opinion, this is the most stupid thing I have heard.

  3. The town is divided because the CRR dominates public discourse while the silent majority, many of whom commute to NYC and devote the rest of their time to their families could care less what you think.

  4. Well, this couldn’t have been written by Newsman Watcher. And Rurik always signs his name, or does he?

  5. Halaby?

  6. the electorate voted to say that we have a parking problem that needs to be solved. The 3 amigos kept saying vote yes and we will figure out the details later. Sadly the details were a monstrosity of a garage that no one wanted. Do we have parking issues in town.. Yes. will this garage solve them NO. I am voting NO on June 21st. The new council can evaluate the options and come up with a solution.

  7. They are dedicated no doubt. But really that isn’t enough. If it were not for a small group of motivated people the garage would sit 12 feet into Hudson street and stand as a dangerous eyesore for generations. They have tried to take every inch they can, using any means possible and thank goodness for forums such as this which does not censor (as evidenced by this op even being posted!)

  8. The original poster is most uninformed. First, the referendum in the Fall was non binding. Second, the Council majority has apparently spent over HALF A MILLION DOLLARS on a design the may very well be voted down next week. And you gripe about $45K? For the past 4 years, these 3 individuals, emboldened by a 3/5 majority on the Council which they won by 8 votes, have acted as though they know what’s best for the rest of us and had a mandate to do whatever they wanted. They have ignored, ridiculed and threatened anyone who has presented an opposing point of view. Having done this to as many of their constituents as they have, they are now dealing with the backlash. While the backlash has not been kind, it has been more than deserved. The past 4 years should be presented as a civics course at Ridgewood High School. This is why you vote, this is what happens when you vote for the wrong people, this is what happens when elected officials misuse their authority, this is what happens when you get caught insulting your political adversaries anonymously on social media, this is what happens when the tax payers revolt and take back their government. This petition and special election are a perfect example of what the People are capable of when they band together. Vote NO on June 21.

  9. I’m with 8:34

  10. 8:34….well said. Misunderstandings?…You mean lies! I don’t understand how supporters of the majority council don’t have a problem that these 3, plus Roberta lied to residents to get that November vote. That is telling and shameful- all residents whether you want a garage or not should have no tolerance for such trickery. Telling residents nothing has been decided with respect to design when indeed, the design has been decided, and we are not disclosing that our chosen design is 12 feet in the street was wrong and horrible leadership. Contracts to begin specs for design A were signed on October 28th – before the vote!!! It was deceitful and despicable, with no accountability and cost taxpayers $120,000 in change orders. I can understand and be sympathetic to mistakes but not deliberate and deceitful plotting and scheming to get what you want. The current design is still too big. It is 5 feet in the street and 60’10” tall…not 46′ that they keep saying -which is frickin ridiculous they don’t count the towers when discussing height. Mt. Carmel (FYI is 50′ tall) will be here a lot longer than any restaurant or business. The way these people have disrespected the church and ALL residents is shameful, and to defend that behavior or turn a blind eye because you want a garage….what? Why?

  11. Gwenn and smartest do not belong in the same sentence.

  12. 1. I have been slightly acquainted with Albert for many years. I thought he would do a great job. Instead he has come across as egocentric, arrogant, impatient and thin-skinned. He lacks the temperament for the job Not everyone is cut out for public service

    2. Paul is an able politician. he is better suited to Hudson County or southern Bergen where his brand of machine politics is more tolerated.

    3. Gwen seems to lack both the required competence and the temperament. Most view her as a ditzy blonde being lead by the other 2. More than once I have been embarrassed for her. She is way out of her depth.

  13. No Trust, No Bond

  14. There are a lot of “smart” people in the world, but not all can be trusted.

  15. 8:34, you don’t understand Village history. The last time we issued a $3mn+ municipal bond to build a garage (yeah, this isn’t the first try on this), over $1.0 million was spent on “environmental studies” looking at land remediation and eminent domain options where old Town Garage and and an old gasoline station once stood….

  16. I agree with the poster. We finally had a council that was making progress. I’m not even voting because these special interest groups manage to railroad the process after the fact so what’s the point? This council better find their proverbial balls or they might as well just stay home and let CRR, et all run the town.

  17. 10:07

    I totally agree. Gwenn is incompetent and nasty., completely unqualified for,the job she held, and disastrously mismanaged for 4 years.

    Albert is thin skinned. Even the slightest comment that is not in his favor causes him to launch into a lengthy defense and explanation about how important and well educated he is. And his temper? Fuggedaboudit. He is wild when he is pissed off.

    Paul Is a liar. Every word out of his mouth is a lie. He is also a schemer and a manipulator. He also,has a nasty and uncontrollable temper. This latest mess with the ethics and finance complaint filed in Trenton is his crowning blow to,Ridgewood. Get out of town Paul Aronsohn. I cannot stand you.

    This has been four years of putting out the bonfires those three have set. They have done untold damage to the fiber of this town. July 1 cannot come soon enough. It is almost here but seems so far off.

  18. Bad smart people can be far more dangerous than bad dumb people.

  19. I love to read fiction, and this post is pure fiction.

  20. 2:06- That kind of “progress” was taking this town south. The last vote proved that.

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