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Ridgefield Park Opens Styrofoam Recycler

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photos courtesy of Bergen County Executive Jim Tedesco

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgefield Park NJ, Bergen County Executive Jim Tedesco joined Commissioner Mary Amoroso and Commissioner Tracy Zur along with officials from the Village of Ridgefield Park to cut the ribbon on Village Of Ridgefield Park NJ’s brand-new EPS Densifier! Expanded Polystyrene, or EPS, is one of the most widely used packing and insulation materials across the globe, and also one of the most inconvenient materials to dispose of. It can take more than 500 years for EPS, more commonly known as “Styrofoam”, to decompose

An EPS (Expanded Polystyrene) Densifier is a specialized machine used for the recycling and waste management of expanded polystyrene foam, commonly known as Styrofoam. This equipment is designed to reduce the volume of bulky EPS foam materials by compacting them into denser, more manageable forms, typically in the shape of blocks or bricks. EPS densifiers employ heat and pressure to melt and compress the foam, significantly reducing its size and making it easier to transport for recycling or disposal. This technology not only minimizes the storage and transportation costs associated with EPS waste but also promotes environmental sustainability by diverting EPS foam from landfills and encouraging its reuse in various manufacturing processes.

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This densifier, which is a proud partnership between the Village of Ridgefield Park and the County of Bergen, makes the process of recycling EPS quick and efficient, allowing the material to be densified and reused in various ways instead of ending up in our landfills.

Through this shared service, our Bergen County municipalities can collect EPS locally instead of spending time and resources traveling to out-of-county or out-of-state locations.
Taking care of this planet, our only planet, is a shared responsibility. When we work together to achieve a common goal, we all benefit.

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One thought on “Ridgefield Park Opens Styrofoam Recycler

  1. What are the “various ways” it is used?

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