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Ridgewood Mayor Susan Knudsen Swears In Seven New Police Officers

seven new ridgewood police officers

July 22,2016

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Seven new Ridgewood Police Officers were sworn in this morning by Mayor Susan Knudsen. The Officers will begin training at the Bergen County Police Academy Friday July 22nd which will last through December 2016.

Pictured from left to right is Village Manager Roberta Sonenfeld, Mayor Susan Knudsen, Officers Kyle Scarpa, Jack Knudsen, Patrick Ward, Zachary Knudsen, Douglas Christopher, Brandon Donnelly, Douglas Busche, Chief Jacqueline Luthcke, Lieutenant Glenn Ender

28 thoughts on “Ridgewood Mayor Susan Knudsen Swears In Seven New Police Officers

  1. May God bless these brilliant young men in their new endeavor. Did anyone hear (otherwise disgraced) Ted Cruz describe the last hug one of the Dallas policemen received from his daughtet the morning of the day he was asassinated? These swearing-in ceremonies, like those of the military, literally transform these candidates into a “cut above”, the secular version of a bishop’s blessing the hands of a new priest at ordination. Regardless of what you thought about the individual before the swearing-in ceremony, after it happens, they are now special, and worthy of real respect for the burden of risk they freely undertook for the sake of public safety.

  2. What’s the village manager doing there?

  3. Nepotism Committee did well !

  4. God bless these fine young people for taking on this job. We need them and I respect them hugely.

  5. What is Roberta doing here?

  6. Q: What’s the village manager doing there? What is Roberta doing here?
    A: She thinks she is part of the council.

  7. I thought the same thing. Why is Roberta there?

  8. Q: Why don’t the new powers that be put Roberta back in her seat where she belongs?
    A: not sure. Hope they do so soon.

  9. Is there a manual for new village managers or do they make it up as they go along?

  10. this is all well and good that they are replacing the one’s that retired, to hire 7 new employees in one department is so amazing , ok council now what about other departments that had many retirements that they never replaced. why us the tax payers of the village would like to know and under stand what is going on. the old mayor and council new of this problem for years and did nothing . now the new mayor and council need to step up and fix this major problem. the manager knows of this for the past few years and did zipo. obviously the village has the funds to replace and hire seven new village employees. the village manager and past mayor and council ,need to wake up .

  11. Roberta, really what are u doing, what the hell is going on in the village. we need workers in the water department . why is it the other village departments that do all the labor work do not get any kind of support from the top, well don’t cry when we can not repair all the water problems in all the other towns.

  12. Get 1 ea. life, 10:55am. For your own sake, as well as those around you. Or at least take up a worthwhile hobby. The fight is over. Or are you like that Japanese soldier who finally surrendered in, what, was it 1967?

  13. I could see that if he police worked for the VM then it would be appropriate for her to be in these pictures but the police report directly to the Council. So what the hell is she doing in those photos?

  14. The chief of police reports to Roberta.

  15. As much as it pains me to say this but the Appointing Authority not the Council. So she hired these officer nor the council. The council are the one’s that must find funding for these officers. Read the Falkner Act.

  16. The Vllage Manager hires the police, and the Chief reports to the VM, not the Council 10:45

  17. 8:10, please get your facts straight before posting mistakes

  18. What is Roberta doing there? Well, as her title (Village Manager) implies, she manages various things, including the Ridgewood Police Department. She, as Village Manager, is also the appointing official for the village. So maybe a better question is: Why would she not be there? And, anticipating the usual nasty replies from the anonymi, the fact that I’m her husband has nothing to do with the facts mentioned above.

  19. The stupidity on this thread is strong!

  20. ok, then miss manager, why are you not replacing workers in other village departments that need workers , some other major departments need to replace open slots that other workers have been retired, you miss manager are getting false info from some one that is giving u a bull story, you may know this all ready , or you just don’t care. well the new mayor and council needs to know that it’s not ok to just hire in the police department, we are talking about 7 new full time village employees. come on what the hell is going on. you can not tell us you don’t have the funds. look what the hell you just did, 7 new workers for one department, well talk about morale going to the curb.

  21. Robert Carroll, Sorry buddy, but people are sick to death of your wife. She may be a very lovely person outside of this job, and I am sure you and your daughter think the world of her. But she is an absolute train wreck in this job, has broken rule after rule, has an ethics violation pending against her, she is rude, nasty and obnoxious to elected officials and to members of the public. She needs to go, and rumor has it she will be gone soon.

  22. yea, like he said. yeah, and other mangers in her crew who like her should be taken to the door,

  23. Is this true , The village just hired seven new full time employees In one day. WOW , ok great, so the operating budget in full of funds for 2017, ok good news, now it’s time to replace workers in other departments that have open slots that must be filled. I just seen this great news for the village is starting to replace employees that have retired in the past few years, we are glad that the new village mayor and council are seeing that the staffing is at a very low and danger level of service to the village tax payers .Time for the new council to talk to the village work force to see and under stand what has been going on the past few years. way too many things being swept under the front door mat. As a village tax payer for many years in this great village, We need to push FORWARD . just like trump said, we can make the village GREAT again. but the services make the village great. The back bone of town is all of the employees who love what they do every day. I would like to see the council say thank you to all the village workers on live t v.
    Thank you

  24. I’ve been attending Village Council meetings regularly for almost 2 decades, and Mrs. Carroll is the first Village Manager whom I’ve witnessed leave the dais to stand with Council members during swearing in ceremonies. It is a photo op for ELECTED OFFICIALS – Mrs. Carroll is a Village employee, not an elected official. She should remain on the dais with the Village Attorney and Village Clerk during all future swearing in ceremonies.

  25. yes so true, just like the village P R WOMEN, she should be one the fence with all things, but she’s on the managers side . that’s not her job. she should be in the middle.

  26. hummmmmm, so very true.

  27. I hope they are going to cut the over time in the p d.

  28. yes they have the biggest budget in the town, it’s no joke, and it’s very wrong. this needs to be fixed.

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