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Ridgewood Water : Archaeological Dig Day at Cedar Hill PFAS Treatment Facility in Wyckoff

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Wyckoff NJ, during the engineering and planning phase of the Cedar Hill PFAS Treatment Facility in Wyckoff, archaeological studies uncovered 18th century artifacts, including the stone foundation of a house, at the proposed site of the new construction. Join Ridgewood Water on December 17th for a tour of the Daniel Rutan House Site as well as a hands-on presentation by Hunter Research, Inc., which is conducting the investigation and excavation.

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Hunter Research operates one of the best known and most skilled archaeological teams in the Middle Atlantic and Northeastern United States. The company investigates Native American and historic archaeological resources of all periods, shapes and sizes, offering particular expertise in the study of Revolutionary War sites (forts, encampments and battlefields); historic farmsteads and dwellings; transportation infrastructure (roads, bridges, canals and railroads); industrial sites (mills, forges, potteries); and churches and cemeteries.

Cedar Hill PFAS Treatment Facility, is located at 444 Cedar Hill Avenue, Wyckoff, NJ

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2 thoughts on “Ridgewood Water : Archaeological Dig Day at Cedar Hill PFAS Treatment Facility in Wyckoff

  1. not a fan of Ridgewood Water but this is pretty cool

  2. Only found out about this today, the 18th Dec, via the Midland Park weekly email.

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