August 15, 2015, 02:26 pm
By Mark Hensch
Rev. Al Sharpton will push America’s black churches to lobby in favor of the Iran nuclear deal, a new report says.
Sharpton is launching his push backing President Obama’s pact with Tehran this weekend, according to The Huffington Post.
“I am calling on ministers in black churches nationwide to go to their pulpits Sunday and have their parishioners call their senators and congressmen to vote yes on the Iran nuclear plan,” he said Friday.
“We have a disproportionate interest, being that if there is a war, our community is always disproportionately part of the armed services, and that a lot of the debate is by people who will not have family members who will be at risk,” Sharpton added.
He also argued Friday that his efforts would counter a coordinated national effort against Obama’s historic diplomatic achievement.
“There needs to be a balance in this,” he said. “Clearly lobbyists and others like AIPAC are pushing on their side, and there needs to be an organized effort on the other side.”
Now he’s an international nuclear arms expert. Is he going to march on water to get over there? Maybe he can make Tawana Brawley Secretary of State.
Is this phony and his bimbo Twana ever going away?
Anyone who listens to him or does what he suggests deserve whatever happens to them
Vapid and vacuous
Is he calling on Black Churches to oppose abortion – an issue which blacks have a disproportionate interest, being that abortion is always disproportionately among blacks, and that a lot of the debate is by people who will not have family members who will have an abortion?
No, I guess not.
Not much political currency in that.
No one manipnates me.
If he’s for it…..I’m against it.
Now pay your debt to the irs you big mouth trouble maker.