file photo by Boyd Loving
Studies needed at Schedler property
To the editor:
As a resident of the Schedler neighborhood, I’m writing to thank the Village Council for all of their efforts seeking the best design possible for the Schedler property. Specifically, I’m thankful to our Village Council for the following: (i) Mayor Aronsohn and several Council members have toured the Schedler property with neighborhood representatives, and observed firsthand the loud volume of highway noise where the current design places home plate, first base and the bleachers; (ii) as a result of such visits, the Village Council has agreed to place on its agenda the retention of a noise expert to provide advice on abating the loud, Route 17 traffic noise, and (iii) adjourning consideration of retaining the noise expert from the crowded, Jan. 27 agenda.
Simultaneously, I wish to reiterate my request that the Village Council retain a comprehensive group of experts, including a landscape architect and a traffic and safety expert in order to design the best park possible.
It appears that the Village Council is seeking to “save” money by using the Village Engineer for these critical design tasks. As the mayor and other council members who toured the Schedler property discovered, the current design places home plate and first base within 30 feet of a major highway — and it is too noisy for the enjoyable use of the players, coaches and parents.
Can you imagine spending several million dollars of taxpayer dollars on a park, only to discover that it’s too noisy to enjoy. But for the input of the Schedler neighborhood, and our council’s willingness to tour the site to hear the noise firsthand, that scenario would’ve become a reality.
I encourage the council to avoid being pound wise and penny foolish. Let’s retain bona fide experts now in order to insure that the park is designed to the highest standards for the benefit of our athletes, their families, the neighborhood and the entire village.
Please note that the Schedler neighborhood has submitted a proposal for the intelligent design of the Schedler property. The proposal provides a logical roadmap for designing an excellent park at the Schedler property, including an athletic field, for the maximum benefit for all of Ridgewood. The proposal has been submitted to the Mayor, the Council, the Open Space Committee and to the RBSA.
I respectfully request that The Ridgewood News publish the proposal in order to keep village residents informed.
David Edelberg
Just like the garage the 90 ft field is a done deal.
Great point on going beyond the village engineer to do the work. He has worked hard but proven overmatched by the complexity and volume of projects that need to executed at an expert level.
Not only that Bill H. but he is employed by the Village who control his salary and even his employment.
With Parking, they have already proved that they pay external consulting companies to say what ever they want in their reports. So, the tax payers loose money and the third party consultants produce what the village administration wants them to say.
How will these studies be different?
“Village Engineer to do the work.” Good God Mayor where is the Transparency
Can’t the Village just sell this property?
This has be asked and answered on this blog many times but lets do it once again. Property was bought with grant money. This money cannot be returned or the property sold
I’m a broken record….the town already has 3 60×90 baseball fields.
With declining participation in baseball, it’s laughable that the RBSA can stand in front of the council and whine about fields. Clearly this is a power play by the soccer, lacrosse and Rec Comm folks. A hidden agenda if you will.
We’re not stupid….
11:51 those folks you mention all back the 3 council members during the last election. let hope that the “We’re not stupid” don’t vote for them again.….
Maybe we will should all recall the local neighbors solicitng support for the town to obtain this property as they did not want it used a strip mall or other commercial use. The funding for purchasing this area was obtained with the intent that it would be used as a sports area.
As this no longer seems to be the desire, the property should be sold, most likely at a profit for the town, and put back on the tax roles, Allow a commercial developer to build businesses that will also provide employment. Sell the property we need another Starbucks and 7/11.
The town should have learned from the Hanernackel Farm purchase which is now a tens of millions of dollar, taxpayer funded, dog walk.
11:51 – can you explain a bit more – what does this mean? “power play by the soccer, lacrosse and Rec Comm folks”
If the Village cannot apply for matching open space funds due to opposition from the surrounding beighbors, the property should be sold and any grant monies returned from the proceeds.
The Village was stupid to buy this thing in the first place. Simply sell the damn thing and put it back onto the taxpayer roll !!
Sell it to a dog walking company.
Or make it a dog park!