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Time to Get to Know Rep Scott Garrett


Time to Get to Know Rep Scott Garrett 
October 19,2014
the Staff the Ridgewood blog

Since most of New Jersey media only offers a one sided caricature of Scott Garret and refuses to cover Scott. We decided it was time to get to know Scott though a short Bio and a few highlights of what he has been doing in Washington. 

Scott opposes President Obama’s “too big to fail”  policy and any expansion of it.

Scott has been at the forefront of  reforming the the banking industry always looking to balance consumer and corporate interests and decrease redundant expansive unnecessary regulation .

Scott has pushed the IRS to answer questions on targeting US citizens based on their first amendment rights .

Scott has been a very strong proponent of Religious freedom and a staunch supporter of Israel unlike his his opponent and most democrats .

Scott opposed the Present’s military plan on ISIS which has now proven to significantly lacking and some would say candidate Obama also did.

In 2006, Scott helped make the  Musconetcong river a part of the National Wild and Scenic River System.

Scott has continually pushed for more oversight , transparency and accountability from the Federal Reserve and government-sponsored enterprises known as GSE’s ( Freddie Mac , Fannie Mae )

Since his election to Congress in 2002, Scott has become a leading advocate of tax relief and pro-growth economic policies, earning him awards and accolades from a number of national taxpayer and small business groups.

As a senior member of the House Budget Committee, Scott is on the frontline of efforts to rein in runaway government spending and shrink our country’s ballooning national debt.

A member of the House Financial Services Committee since his election to Congress , Scott has been at the forefront of public policy deliberations dealing with issues related to the financial services industry. Over the years Scoot has developed a considerable expertise in areas ranging from securities and finance to insurance and regulatory oversight, un like many of his critics .

At the beginning of the 112th Congress, Scott was selected to serve as the Chairman of the Financial Services Subcommittee on Capital Market and Government-Sponsored Enterprises.  In this role, Scott presides over the subcommittee with jurisdiction over the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs) Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.  In addition, the subcommittee also handles all matters related to capital markets activities such as business capital formation and venture capital, as well as derivative instruments.

As founder and Chairman of the Congressional Constitution Caucus, Scott is highly respected among his House colleagues as an authority on constitutional issues.  Founded in 2005, the Constitution Caucus provides an effective forum for education on constitutional principles and discussion on the appropriate limitations of congressional action.

Meanwhile Roy Cho worker for the Port Authority.

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11 thoughts on “Time to Get to Know Rep Scott Garrett

  1. I saw Garrett and Bernie Walsh at the train station the other morning. Smiling and greeting people. Even the hardened commuters smiled back and were happy to see them. Go Scott and Bernie!

  2. Why did he back out of the debate?

  3. Shaking hands is easier than debating. No risk there.

    1. Cho is just an Obamabot , nothing interesting

  4. In those paragraphs I do not see what he has accomplished.

    Put his voting record on key issues out there. That is the summary of his tenure.

    1. perhaps a basic reading comprehension coarse

  5. James:

    Cho is just an Obamabot , nothing interesting

    You are correct.
    The same dimwits with Obama/Biden stickers still on their cars have the Cho signs up.

  6. Accomplishment is hard to come by as a member of congress these days. I personally give full credit to a member in good standing who gives full consideration to arguments to show the current administration acts unconstitutionally at every occasion when such a course of action presents itself, which Garrett and his staff does do, and faithfully. US citizens should take the time to consider the horrid and ongoing depravity of the majority party in the Senate, as embodied by Majority Leader Reid of Nevada, who is at this point in our history substantially singlehandedly responsible for the fact that Congress has not had regular order since 2009. That is five years during which Congress has failed to follow through on its first and most essential Constitutional responsibility: to pass a budget! Absent a legitimate budget passed by Congress and signed by the President every year, each and every one of the 535 individuals who call themselves members of Congress must be regarded as engaging in a continuous pantomime for which they just happen to be paid a congressman’s wages and occasionally sit in a congressman’s seat. For constitution-loving conservatives like Garrett who know they are really only conducting a strategically inconsequential (if successful) holding action against the almost incomprehensively malign intentions of modern political progressives (read: stone-cold sociopaths), the conclusion of which is likely to be a grand (though for most, a shamefully surprising) concession of the obvious (to those few of us with functioning eyes with which to see) truth: that we are no longer a constitutional republic, the role he fills must be nearly perfectly thankless.

  7. His voting record does not match the narrative that was posted.

    Why won’t e debate?

    1. Garrets record is exactly what was posted , as for he works for the Port Authority

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