By Julian Hattem – 05/07/15 09:25 AM EDT
A federal court has decided that the National Security Agency’s (NSA) bulk, warrantless collection of millions of Americans’ phone records is illegal.
The decision from the Second Circuit Court of Appeals on Wednesday represents the second major court victory for opponents of the NSA, after a lower court decision called the program nearly unconstitutional six months ago.
The phone records program “exceeds the scope of what Congress has authorized,” Judge Gerard Lynch wrote on behalf of the three-judge panel. The court did not examine the constitutionality of the surveillance program.
thats a good thing
Without data from Facebook and twitter how will we know about home grown terrorists? How will they thwart terrorism plots. Do you want to just give up?
Terrorists don’t have to go to meetings and membership committees. They just need to go online. If we ban surveillance then expect more terrorism in our communities. .
A so called democratic government has no business spying on there own people.
even the ones who can’t spell…
yeah what he said.