Posted By Tim Hains
On Date September 30, 2016
At a campaign rally in Novi, Michigan Friday evening, Donald Trump asked President Barack Obama not to “pardon Clinton and her co-conspirators” if any charges were filed related to the email scandal.
“Mr. President,” Trump said. “Will you pledge not to issue a pardon to Hillary Clinton and her co-conspirators for their many crimes against our country, and against society itself. No one is above the law.”
drumph can say what he wants – and he does.
There was no crime and therefore no pardon.
There was no crime because that’s what the FBI were instructed to say. Anyway, Obama hates Clinton and the only support he’s showing is purely for political purposes. No way would he pardon her on his way out.
There was a crime. She is a criminal (multiple counts).
But… What difference at this point does it make?
8:34 – please stop “:name shaming” Trump.
If, as Obama and Clinton claim, Hillary committed no crime, then there is no need to pardon her, is there! Nevertheless, if Hillary loses and Trump is threatening prosecution, it is hard to imagine Obama will fail to pardon her. What a perfect act of hypocrisy that would be. The pardon would have to extend to multiple “pay-to-play” violations for selling access to Secretary Clinton via donations to the Clinton Global Initiative/Clinton Foundation. What a roaring freight train of graft and corruption this woman is. Put her in office as POTUS and obviously she would block any and all attempts to investigate and prosecute her various crimes. Plus it will give her plenty of time and opportunity to bribe or threaten victims and potential witnesses or accusers. Just what the doctor ordered!