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Village Council Regular Public Meeting

Ridgewood Village Hall 17

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, the Ridgewood Village Council will host it’s Village Council Regular Public Meeting and Special Public Meeting at 7pm tonight at Village Hall. (click on the highlighted text for meeting agenda)

Village Council meetings are now available with participants at remote locations,
connecting to conferencing software provided by or by telephone.
Members of the public are invited to view meetings live using Zoom, which also
allows them to “raise a hand” and contribute with voice and video when they are
invited to do so, during Public Comments as well as during Public Hearings,
during the meeting.

Please click the link below to join the virtual meeting:
Webinar ID: 825 9279 9142
Passcode: 07450

Telephone, Dial: 1-646-558-8656, 1-646-931-3860, 1-309-205-3325, or 1-312-


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17 thoughts on “Village Council Regular Public Meeting

  1. Fixing fields:

    24-58 Award Contract – Restoration and Remediation of Maple Park Field (NTE $41,321.76) –
    Awards a contract to the lowest responsible quote from The LandTek Group, Inc., 105
    Sweenydale Avenue, Bay Shore, NY

    24-59 Award Contract – Restoration and Remediation
    of Veterans Field (NTE $10,685) – Awards a contract to the lowest responsible quote
    from Tri-County Property Maintenance, Athletic Field Division, 734 Howard Road, Ridgewood, NJ

    1. Those awards are confusing.

      Landtek gets to clean up Maple but what is Tri County going to clean up?

      1. Vets field. It is the guy who is on the Shade Tree board with Winograd.

        1. Brown or something like that..?

          1. Adam Brown.

      2. Get out of you moms basement and walk over to vets. That field gets the same debris from floods, same contamination but more urgency to clean before the weeds start growing.

  2. It is too bad no one trusts PeeWee and his merry band of idiots, Weitz, whino, perron and village manager. We really need to vote them out and it wouldn’t be too soon. Clown show.

  3. Not sure I understand the anti nepotism policy when Keith is related to the lawyer for the planning board. I would assume that they would have some level of interaction, so how does that make sense?

  4. They all sleep in the same bed. This shit is nothing new this is been going on for many many years.

  5. Isn’t LandTech Ramon’s buddy?

    1. Oh you mean Keith’s new bestie from their multiple photo ops. wouldn’t surprise me. He can leverage all of the preferred vendors of his buds and whatever he has in his own magic bag of tricks and then everyone’s happy, after all it is monopoly money.

  6. Sounds like it was a tame meeting last night….I understand.

  7. I must say for being around the village, a long time, at times some of us believe someone else is running the show. Meaning, we have seen mayors, council members, managers, and a few others come and go, but some Of certain situations are still going on. There’s some kind of political influences major profile donators that are controlling the helm. We have been observing this for quite some time we cannot put names behind this, because that will be attacking the certain individuals without 110% proof of video verbal recording witnesses so on. But we are just planting the seed. We are here to form the certain group that the not that smart, they have influences, but we are just a bit smarter because we figure it out, yes it took some time we have a eyeballs on you. Just to be aware we’re not stupid but it does show us that the village staff has many layers danced to not just the village manager mayor council. It goes beyond that just like upper politics in the county state government , it’s called influences of power when you got it you got it like it or not. That’s what making the wheels of the world go round and round. If you think it’s because of honesty, please stop. We are dealing with a lot of hypocrites don’t do it on Sunday, but it’s OK to do it the other six days a week , they know ,
    Thank you you’re truly
    You know who.

    1. First, no shit Sherlock.

      Second, no, you’re not smarter for suddenly figuring, after a long time, the way things actually work in the real world, and have done so since man crawled out of the slime.

      Third, it doesn’t matter that you know. “Alas, how terrible is wisdom
      when it brings no profit to the man that’s wise!” You’re not going to do anything about it. You can’t do anything about it. Even if you thought you could do something about it, no one would believe you even if you had the combined persuasive powers of Perry M a s o n, Matlock and Columbo. You’re watching? So what? History has its actors and its spectators. Enjoy the spectacle.

      1. Ridgewood has bad actors for sure and everyone knows who they are. This starts with tone from the top, beginning with the Mayor and the majority bloc council who were put on the council to vote together. No surprise , it is obvious. Unfortunately for the good people who still exist in this village, which includes village staff, it is like watching a slow car crash, you know the impact will be devastating and if you look away for just a moment, you hope the outcome of their selfishness, hypocrisy and lies will stop, but alas they do not and it happens in a swift blow. Morale at Village Hall is at an all time low and people are miserable. They were almost cut off from their full pay which a furlough was discussed last year. how pathetic. stop boasting about a AAA rating when you aren’t even sure you can afford to pay your employees but invest in a new (horrible) website and designer garbage cans.

  8. I wish the village employees put the time and effort into their paying jobs similar to the time and effort they use on posting here.. Multiple lengthy post on a workday before noon!!

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