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Yes ,The King Has No Clothes

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All the Enablers; Media Experts, Journalists, and Pundits all have Egg on their Face

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, rarely does a single moment reveal so many truths and expose so many lies. Last week’s debate was a watershed event, not just for President Biden, but for an entire class of experts, journalists, and pundits who have been insisting since 2020 that Biden was sharp and on top of his game.

The debate was nothing short of a catastrophe for President Biden. However, it went beyond that. It was a disaster for those who have consistently portrayed him as a sharp, effective leader. For years, they assured us that Biden was fully engaged, challenging his staff with tough questions about critical issues like care for migrant children and aid to Ukraine.

While President Joe Biden campaigns for another four years in the White House, a majority of voters already perceived him as losing his mental sharpness.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 57% of Likely U.S. voters think that, over time, Biden is getting less and less mentally sharp. Thirty-three percent (33%) disagree. These findings have not changed significantly since February. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

But up till last weeks debate anyone who dared to question Biden’s abilities was branded as a Trump supporter, a MAGA cultist, an ageist, or simply a fool easily misled by “disinformation” and “fake news.”

Remember February, when Robert Hur, the Special Counsel appointed to investigate Biden’s handling of classified documents, released his report? It included details about Biden’s health, suggesting that prosecuting him would be difficult because he might present as “a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.” This characterization, which many found shocking, seems undeniable after last night’s performance.

Yet, prominent figures like Eric Holder dismissed Hur’s remarks as “gratuitous.” Former Obama adviser Dan Pfeiffer called the report a “partisan hit job,” and Vice President Kamala Harris and White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre defended Biden’s sharpness and competence.

Just last week, The New York Times published an extensive piece attempting to debunk concerns about Biden’s age and abilities, claiming misleading videos were to blame for these perceptions. They tried to convince readers that the real Biden was still capable and effective.

When The Wall Street Journal published a story discussing concerns about Biden’s age, it was criticized as an “egregious hit job.” White House spokesman Andrew Bates argued that Biden was a “savvy and effective leader.”

Even during last night’s debacle, some tried to spin it. A source close to Biden told Axios that he had a cold, and MSNBC’s Joy-Ann Reid suggested that his placement on the right-hand side of the screen was the issue.

For many, it seemed easier to acknowledge that Biden, at 81, is naturally fading. Yet, they could still argue that a diminished Biden is preferable to a fully capable Trump. This is a coherent argument that doesn’t rely on denying reality.

Mental health and diminished capacity have become a major issue in America .Many older Americans suffer from age related illnesses., like Alzheimer’s.

In most people with Alzheimer’s, symptoms first appear later in life. Estimates vary, but experts suggest that more than 6 million Americans, most of them age 65 or older, may have Alzheimer’s.

Democratic operative Ben Rhodes summed it up: “Telling people they didn’t see what they saw is not the way to respond to this.” Unfortunately, this has been the strategy for many months.

Notable exceptions include Ezra Klein, who argued in The New York Times that Biden should step down for the good of the country, and James Carville, who has been outspoken about the issue.

Rep. Dean Phillips, whose primary campaign was based on the belief that Biden was too old for the job, might have been the most vocal. Phillips pointed out the obvious: Biden’s age is a significant concern.

Senator Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) called on President Biden’s cabinet to invoke the 25th Amendment to potentially remove him from office after Thursday’s debate performance that included a number of halting answers and raised concerns on both sides of the aisle just months ahead of Election Day.

Denial is more than a river in Egypt. Last week’s debate performance should not have been surprising. Those who feigned shock were often the same people who had been covering for him. Figures like Ed Krassenstein and Rachel Maddow, who had previously defended Biden’s fitness, quickly changed their tune after the debate. It seems you can only deny reality so long.

Those close to Biden, including Jill Biden and his savvy staffers, should have encouraged him to step down gracefully after his first term. Last night’s performance was heartbreaking and alarming, considering Biden is our commander in chief.

If Democrats truly believe democracy is on the line in a race against Trump, the solution is clear: replace Biden. The Democratic Convention doesn’t begin until August 19, giving Biden time to step aside. This moment should serve as a wake-up call for those who have been in denial about Biden’s abilities. It’s time for a change before it’s too late.


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19 thoughts on “Yes ,The King Has No Clothes

  1. This is Obamas third term
    Biden is a puppet

    1. Puppet on the Republican side as well. Frankly, I don’t like either of the candidates. We can certainly do better than Biden or Trump. Where are the moderate politicians?

      1. Trump is the last person to call a puppet. He thinks on his own and doesn’t own anyone shit.

      2. Trump loves America unlike the lying Biden/Obama administration

  2. Most Dems I know were shocked at his condition at the debate. They have been hoodwinked by the corrupt MSM that has been hiding it all this time. And to think that the MSM went into red banner meltdown after DT did that slight wobble when descending that steep ramp years ago, saying it was clear evidence that he was too frail to be President.

  3. Disgraceful.

    He’s lost without a Teleprompter.

    Main Stream Media has lied to us for 3+ years.

    Biden wasn’t a smart guy to begin with so you throw Dementia on top of it you get this nonsense.

  4. Whatever made this clown think he was presidential material…?

    Hairplugs, skin tightening, new teeth, etc.

  5. Who’s really running this country? And how vulnerable is our country to foreign threats?

  6. If it took last week’s debate to figure out FJB was unfit, you were probably unfit to have voted for him!

    1. it was crystal clear for 2-3 years for those watching other cable networks than CNN and MSNBC

      every journalist question is pre-selected and reviewed prior to answering…it’s a joke and quite obvious. the guy can”t talk without a teleprompter and he still gets it wrong.

      for democrats in congress to claim they are shocked is total bs

  7. Just in case any of the Dem supporters have actually seen signs of Weekend at Bernie’s Biden, the Dem media has been telling its viewers that it’s all AI and that Biden is razor sharp and doing jumping jacks.

    1. Cheap Fakes !

  8. Listen it doesn’t matter. You can love them hate him. The bottom line is is the president of the US, so what’s more important is we need to put someone in that position that’s going to be strong and make this country what are used to be. I believe safety is number one with Security, And then comes the economy . to the bottom line is who would be better for that position .end of the story

    1. Sleepy Joe has awakened!

  9. But what about ‘saving democracy’?

  10. So my kid just laughingly told me that in the event of poor performance on finals next year, it’s likely attributable to too much studying over the course of a week with advisors

  11. Listen, it doesn’t matter if you like Trump or not the country needs him. We need to make this country safe and strong and then everything else will come in line. He’s a leader, but doesn’t matter if You don’t like him. Believe us you will be much safer with Trump than anyone else. He cares about this country. Remember, he doesn’t need to be president. He has his own money. And remember he’s been president so he gets all the things that ex-president get just like everyone else don’t forget it. Have a good night. We all love you.

    1. Donald Trump doesn’t need to be president. That’s true. But in case you or anyone else is missing the bigger picture, the fact is no needs to be president. They propped up a virtual corpse for three years, and now they’re trying to convince you ‘it’s OK the president can’t really perform because there are people who are handling things behind the scenes for him.’ Did you vote for any of those people? It should be obvious by now what the president’s real job is. So by all means, vote for whomever you want but you won’t be voting for the people doing the real work.

  12. Pelosi took responsibility for Jan 6, ignored by media, Trump may Street be truth in some circumstances, but Biden/Obama outright lie. I remember Obama saying if you say a lie repeatedly it becomes the truth!

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