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Yes ,The King Has No Clothes

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All the Enablers; Media Experts, Journalists, and Pundits all have Egg on their Face

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, rarely does a single moment reveal so many truths and expose so many lies. Last week’s debate was a watershed event, not just for President Biden, but for an entire class of experts, journalists, and pundits who have been insisting since 2020 that Biden was sharp and on top of his game.

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Trump Continues to Close Gap in Latest Rasmussen Poll

NRA Holds Its Annual Meeting In Nashville

October 12,2016
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Rasmussen reports in the first polls released since the debate that the race for the White House continues to tighten. According to Rasmussen Hillary Clinton still holds a four-point lead over Trump – 43% to 39% – among Likely U.S. Voters. That’s down from five points yesterday and her biggest lead ever of seven points on Monday.

Rasmussen results show , Eighty-two percent (82%) of voters now say they are sure how they will vote. Clinton holds a narrow 48% to 46% lead over Trump among these voters. On Monday, she was ahead 51% to 45% in this group. Johnson now picks up for percent (4%) support and Stein two percent (2%) among those certain of how they will vote.

Among voters who say they could still change their minds between now and Election Day, it’s Clinton 45%, Trump 28%, Johnson 23% and Stein five percent (5%).

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Reader says Hillary Clinton and Lester Holt came at Donald Trump last night as a “Tag Team.”

Lester Holt

Hillary Clinton and Lester Holt came at Donald Trump last night as a “Tag Team.” Neither felt bound by the need to tell the truth. Their attacks were self-indulgent and brazen. Holt was supposed to be neutral. Instead, he willingly prostituted himself, probably because he fears being removed from the DC/NY Dem/RINO cocktail party list. Holt saw up close what happened to Matt Lauer’s reputation after Lauer was deemed insufficiently antagonistic toward Trump during the Commander in Chief event a week or so ago, and Holt had no intention of suffering the same fate. Meanwhile, Clinton was a busy beaver, slapping down lie after lie and calmly luxuriating in her “safe space”, confident that Lester Holt would leave unmolested her deceitful edifice. Holt faithfully played the part of the Palace Guard, brazenly challenging Trump for every inch of land he tried to claim. Trump has only just started laying seige to Fort Hillary. He will sharpen his strategy and improve his performance as the debates proceed. Eventually, queen Hillary will be defeated and forced to submit to Trump’s terms. And what a great day that will be.