April 29,2016
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, A candidate for public office should not be signing a pledge from a special interest group. This is just wrong and I am surprised that candidates need to be told this.
If you support garage design D that is fine, just say it. This information is helpful to voters.
In NJ conflict of interest includes:
5) No State officer or employee or special State officer or employee should undertake any employment or service, whether compensated or not, which might reasonably be expected to impair his objectivity and independence of judgment in the exercise of his official duties.
(6) No State officer or employee or special State officer or employee should accept any gift, favor, service or other thing of value under circumstances from which it might be reasonably inferred that such gift, service or other thing of value was given or offered for the purpose of influencing him in the discharge of his official duties.
(7) No State officer or employee or special State officer or employee should knowingly act in any way that might reasonably be expected to create an impression or suspicion among the public having knowledge of his acts that he may be engaged in conduct violative of his trust as a State officer or employee or special State officer or employee.
So did the 3 pro-developer candidates all sign?
10:11 yes they did.
The progress Ridgewood group has an ad in the paper saying those are the 3 that will be at the candidates forum at Park West Loft on May 2nd. You can only go, if you signed the pledge, so i guess that means they signed it. Nice to know that 3 of the candidates have already decided to be exclusionary, and not listen to others that may have a different opinion then them.
At the candidates debate, all 6 candidates said the current council has been too divisive. Some of the language from the 3 that signed the pledge said “all groups need to be included and involved”, “the council works for everybody. Everybody needs to be informed”, “lead by example”, “public discourse needs to be lifter to a higher level”, “inclusiveness, solutions, and a united approach to figuring out where we’re going, and how to get there”.
Nice to know that the 3 have already shown us that their words don’t mean much, since their actions have proven to be the opposite.
If you want your village government to be exclusionary, then you know who to vote for.
If you want your village government to be individually thinking people, with varying backgrounds, who are willing to discuss the issues with anyone, you need to vote for Voigt, Hache and Walsh.
A Candidates Forum at the PWT is not quite the same as the League of Women Voters candidates forum. The League is a highly regarded group. The PWT group is just the same old business people? Who on earth would want to attend except rurick & whiting. They need to be petted once in a while.
First, candidates had to sign a pledge in order to attend. SO WRONG!
Second, they will probably lob softball questions. Probably Vagianos as moderator. Again, SO WRONG!
Ridgewood 2020
I see the mistake we made
The year that downtown Ridgewood will become unlivable
The year Ahronson moves to Trenton
The year Ridgewood home values decline while all other Bergen County values go up
Those three have made it clear that they are in bed with the developers,just like Paul Albert and Gwenn. This is like that Seinfeld where Elaine wanders into an alternate world with three guys that are just like Jerry, George and Kramer. Willett Weitz and Brooks will be the three stoogs all over again. Do not vote for them
Vagianos, Sarenceno, Roberta and the candidates read this blog.
They know that the pledge is wrong. They see that residents know thay they are not acting in the interest of ALL taxpayers.
Why don’t they don’t they do right thing?
147 – – perhaps it is because the people running this debate farce and their three puppet candidates care about their own financial interests more than living as neighbors in our Village.
“Let’s make a bundle out of Ridgewood and move to Saddle River.”