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>Perfect Pita

>store kebab

Perfect Pita began as just as a kosher food take-out restaurant and expanded into a counter style sit in food eatery after their reputation for serving very good kosher food at reasonable prices. Perfect Pita is very popular kosher food restaurant for people who enjoy Middle Eastern dishes such as Moroccan pot roast and falafel as well as the Cholent which the traditional Sabbath stew of meat, beans, vegetables and potatoes.

About little over a year ago, the store front next door became available and Perfect Pita expanded into a sit down restaurant featuring a party room which can seat more people.

Perfect Pita’s kosher counter staff is extremely friendly and our service dependable as well as fast to please our customers “on-the-go” people

Today people of all backgrounds are enjoying the middle eastern taste that Perfect Pita has to offer. From Hummus with falafel, to Beef shish kebab, Perfect Pita Restaurant will satisfy your middle eastern taste bud as well as your wallet!store front

Our Perfect Pita Hours:
Sunday thru Thursday
11 AM to 9 PM
Summer: Fri. 9 am to 3 pm
Winter Fri. 9 am to 2 pm

Perfect Pita
13-22 River Road
Fair Lawn, NJ
Tel: 201 794-8700

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>Authorities examine possible financial links between Pakistan, Fort Hood shootings suspect

>12:00 AM CST on Thursday, November 12, 2009
By DAVE MICHAELS / The Dallas Morning News

Mystery of money

Hasan’s finances have been a mystery since last week, when the Army major and psychiatrist allegedly shot and killed 13 colleagues at the sprawling Central Texas military base. Hasan earned more than $90,000 a year and had no dependents, yet lived in an aging one-bedroom apartment that rented for about $300 a month.

“You can bet there is an ongoing, extensive investigation into every single financial transaction he made,” said Matt Orwig, a former U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Texas who has no direct knowledge of the Hasan case. “Federal investigative agencies are very good at tracing the flow of money, both to him and from him.”

Authorities know that Hasan sent repeated e-mails, starting some time in December 2008, to a radical Muslim cleric in Yemen. That cleric, Anwar al-Awlaki, formerly served as imam of a large northern Virginia mosque where Hasan worshipped. The U.S.-born cleric praised Hasan after the massacre as “a hero.”

In January, al-Awlaki told readers of his blog about “44 ways to support jihad” – a term often translated as “holy war.” Many of his points dealt with ways to fund such efforts.

“Probably the most important contribution the Muslims of the West could do for Jihad is making Jihad with their wealth,” al-Awlaki wrote. “In many cases the mujahideen are in need of money more than they are in need of men.”

He also stressed the importance of “avoiding the life of luxury.”

A spokesman for the U.S. Justice Department referred questions Wednesday to the FBI, which didn’t return a message seeking comment. FBI officials have said they studied Hasan’s communications with an unnamed radical Muslim and concluded they were a harmless part of his academic research.

Hoekstra said he wants to know whether authorities knew about Hasan’s behavior when they decided his contacts with the Yemeni imam were essentially harmless.

“The conclusion based off just the e-mails might have been perfectly legitimate,” Hoekstra said. “But if the [terrorism] analyst for some reason didn’t have access to all this other information, that might be where the problem is.”

Hard trail to follow?

Matthew Levitt, director of counterterrorism and intelligence at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, said wire transfers to Pakistan would be “extremely significant in terms of a potential network for this particular case.”

Tracing money to Pakistan could be easy if Hasan used a formal bank or wire service. It would be more difficult if he sent money under another name or used an informal channel known as hawala that is popular in Pakistan and doesn’t involve paperwork.

“If it turns out the person was radicalized to the point he was sending money to other insurgents or other terrorists, that takes it to another level still,” Levitt said.

Staff writers Brooks Egerton and Jim Landers contributed to this report.

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>Obama’s 9/11 War Against "Right Wing-Domestic Terrorists"

Having both worked in the ground zero area and having lost so many friends and neighbors we find the use of 9/11 images to promote nationalised medicine extremely offensive .

PJ Blogger

Last Updated: Wed, 09/02/2009 – 2:56pm

President Obama has picked the anniversary of the worst terrorist attack in U.S. history to launch a campaign calling on senators to pass a public healthcare option by fighting back against “our own right-wing domestic terrorists.”

The phone campaign, which will begin on September 11, also suggests that those who oppose the president’s health care plan are the heirs of Osama bin Laden. The White House pulled the plan’s details from Obama’s Organizing for America website after a conservative columnist wrote about it this week, but the text can still be viewed in the story.

The plan directs Obama’s grassroots supporters to wage a coordinated healthcare reform effort by calling their U.S. Senators on September 11 to “fight back against our own Right-Wing Domestic Terrorists who are subverting the American Democratic Process, whipped to frenzy by their Fox Propaganda Network ceaselessly re-seizing power for their treacherous leaders.”

It proceeds to encourage supporters to defeat the anti democratic forces of hate who conspire to remain healthy and wealthy while the public languishes under the burden of our present health care system. “Reclaim our land from the heirs of, yes: Bin Laden.”

Essentially the president of the United States has designated the anniversary of the worst terrorist attack in the nation’s history to liken those who oppose his plans to deadly Middle Eastern terrorists. Talk about pathetically poor taste.

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>A non-binding ballot question in November about the reopening of Pascack Valley Hospital?

>My questions: WHY our Council hasn’t done so as the other Councils did? Isn’t Ridgewood, va the Valley, directly linked to this??


Votes set on reopening of hospital
Thursday, August 20, 2009
The Record

Many towns in northeastern Bergen County will have a non-binding ballot question in November about the reopening of Pascack Valley Hospital.

Councils in 11 towns — River Vale, Park Ridge, Montvale, Oradell, Hillsdale, Washington Township, Old Tappan, Northvale, Harrington Park, Emerson and Westwood — have approved resolutions asking for the ballot question. Closter was to hold a special meeting about it Wednesday night.

The question asks whether voters favor the expenditure of “resources through the attendance and participation at public hearings or other proceedings by municipal officials in support of the application” by Hackensack University Medical Center to reopen the Westwood site as a 128-bed community hospital.

The deadline for the towns to request the addition to the ballot is Friday at 10 a.m.

— Lindy Washburn