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Cho endorsement not compelling


file photo Boyd Loving

Cho endorsement not compelling

Regarding “Cho in the 5th” (Editorials, Oct. 26):

Richard Cornwell

The Record’s endorsement of Roy Cho over Rep. Scott Garrett, R-Wantage, was neither logical nor compelling. The editorial described Garrett as intelligent, well-versed in issues and deeply committed to the principle of limited government (sounds good to me), while admitting that Cho is a political novice who lacks governmental experience and whose belated permanent residency in Hackensack is a murky and embarrassing issue. Hmm, there must be a “but” here somewhere.The editorial laments Garrett’s adherence to his convictions: If only Garrett were to recognize that he was sent to Washington to “get things done.” In fact, Congress does more harm than good. I, for one, would like to see him undo some things. Cho, it seems, would like to extend the federal government’s reach.

I found particularly unsavory the implication that Garrett is opposed to a safety net for society’s most vulnerable. That slur warrants a retraction.

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2 thoughts on “Cho endorsement not compelling

  1. The Record picked a Democrat..?
    Wow. What a surprise.

    Love their old tagline: Friend of the people it serves.

  2. The Record is a Rag and it’s parent company is thankfully dying a slow agonizing death. Good Riddance.

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