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Classic Car Crash: 1966 Corvette Accidentally Reverses into Hawthorne Home

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photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Hawthorne NJ, in an unusual incident on Veterans Day, the owner of a 1966 Chevrolet Corvette suffered minor facial injuries after accidentally reversing his classic car into a house on Franklin Avenue in Hawthorne. The mishap occurred early Monday afternoon, November 11, when the driver backed up at a high rate of speed, ultimately colliding with a single-family home across the street.

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Evidence at the scene, including fresh tire tread marks and cleaning supplies in a nearby driveway, suggests the driver had just finished washing his prized Corvette before the accident. Unfortunately, a slick driveway combined with the car’s power led to the unintended collision.

Hawthorne firefighters promptly responded, working to stabilize the home’s damaged front porch before a flatbed tow truck could safely winch the car out from its entanglement. Meanwhile, the driver was taken by Hawthorne EMS to a nearby hospital for evaluation, though his injuries were thankfully reported as non-life-threatening.

Hawthorne Police also responded to investigate the incident. This serves as a reminder of the importance of cautious driving even in familiar surroundings—especially when handling powerful vintage vehicles like this iconic Corvette.

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