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Cory Booker Shakes Down Donors for Vanity Presidential Campaign


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

LAWRENCEVILLE NJ, Upon learning South Jersey Democratic powerbroker George Norcross will be heading up the Turnpike to co-host a fundraiser for Cory Booker’s vanity presidential campaign on June 28, Republican Senate candidate Trisha Flanagan remarked, “We now know what Cory Booker’s reward for co-authoring a Star-Ledger guest column is – a $2,800 per person fundraiser with George Norcross as a co-host.”

“A $2,800 per person fundraiser not long after co-authoring a guest column singing the praises of a political powerbroker involved in a very public fight with the state’s governor is a good deal for Cory Booker,” Flanagan said. “Now we know his price.”

Flanagan asked, “What’s next, a second fundraiser in a couple of months for Booker’s senatorial re-election campaign?”

“That would be a new form of double-dipping for New Jersey!” Flanagan remarked, “A brand new way for Jersey Democrats to shake down donors for double the money all thanks to the new law that allows Booker to appear on the ballot twice. It plainly underscores the depth of Democrat corruption that’s been commonplace in New Jersey. It’s time to move out of the swamp, not deeper into it.”

“I’m calling on Senator Booker to do the right thing and promise to accept only one contribution per donor, in other words, if one contributes to his presidential campaign he doesn’t accept a contribution to his senatorial campaign and vice versa,” Flanagan said. “If he’s unwilling to do the right thing in the area of campaign finance, Cory Booker should make a commitment to the voters of New Jersey one way or the other, does he want continue with his vanity presidential campaign or does he want to be senator. If he chooses the latter he can come home and join me in a discussion of the issues important to New Jerseyans.”

2 thoughts on “Cory Booker Shakes Down Donors for Vanity Presidential Campaign

  1. I can’t think of one thing this phoney has done for the benefit of NJ

  2. Newark voted for him for Senate just to get him out of Newark. BTW what ever happed to the one million dollars Zuckerberg gave to Newark for education? No one knows where that money went do they now?

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