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>Corzine:"no concept of what a dollar means to a regular ‘earner’."

>READER : Corzine throws money around which would serve to silence any critics if he donated to their favorite ’cause’ or ‘foundation’. someday a book should be written on his ‘playbook’ of how to ‘buy’ a job. It has been widely reported that he spent over $65 million for his senate seat, and he never did anything for NJ. Not able to stand being a ‘junior’ senator, he resigned so he could ‘annoint’ Bob Menendez to the remainder of his term and run for Governor. Corzine is so out of touch. Can you imagine ‘forgiving’ a loan of close to $1 million to an EX- girlfriend (Karla K the union boss). So it should come as NO SUPRISE to you FOOLS who voted for this FAILURE of a governor. He has no concept of what a dollar means to a regular ‘earner’.

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