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Council Apologist Says Stay out of Politics if you Don’t Want Retribution


Council Apologist Says Stay out of Politics if you Don’t Want Retribution

Either the town is a civil service town (as we are, and as such we comply with civil service rules) or its not. The ‘nepotism’ policy, despite being well intended, does not have any place in a town that is governed by civil service rules. By applying this on top of civil service, someone could probably spend a few dollars on an attorney and invalidate it.
It would be an appropriate policy if we had a ‘chief’s test’ whereby ‘favorites’ or insiders (such as dispatchers) were hired, like many non-civil service towns.
Anyone who wants to rent a room or an apartment *and file federal income taxes and vote* can become a Village resident, eligible for hiring for any civil service position that requires residency. It does not require you to ‘grow up in town’.
Despite all of the above written by other posters, politics and ‘paybacks’ are the way it is in the real world.
If someone had a bitch with the former Mayor and chose to bring a legitimate question up before the council, so be it. The council must act in accordance with their ‘nepotism’ policy, or rescind it.
If one chooses to ‘throw their hat’ into the political arena, one must be ready to ‘suffer the consequences’. If the former mayor was more concerned about his son’s future employment, maybe he should have not entered politics and sat on the sidelines and enjoyed his retirement check.
That’s the way it is in the real world. And that’s why many successful businessman from the private sector wouldn’t get into politics…EVER.

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4 thoughts on “Council Apologist Says Stay out of Politics if you Don’t Want Retribution

  1. That’s my post and I’m not making any apologies for the council. (I don’t know them, the Chief, or the un-named job applicants.
    Just speaking about politics in general.
    Anyone who chooses to become a ‘public person’ will have lots of people ‘coming out of the woodwork’ who will now take the opportunity to seek retribution.
    That’s why all of the competent business people I know would never jeopardize their families job prospects or reputations by entering politics.

  2. There are “competent business people” who choose to volunteer their time and serve the public. Maybe not in Ridgewood, but they do exist.

  3. Keep your mouth shut, that the best way! Cuz “they” don’t like if you disagree or say something “they” don’t like.

  4. What a world. Let them do what they want otherwise we will get you. Is that still the American flag flying out there? So thats how they keep everyone quiet & afraid?

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