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Paramus Man Files Lawsuit Against Bergen County Police Academy Over Alleged Training Injuries


file photo of Bergen County Police Academy

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Paramus NJ, a Paramus man, Nicholas Trapani, has filed a lawsuit against Bergen County, its Police Academy, Sheriff’s Office, Prosecutor’s Office, and five individuals involved in the academy’s training program, alleging serious injuries sustained during his time at the academy. The lawsuit, filed on New Year’s Eve in New Jersey’s Superior Court, raises concerns about the training practices and lack of medical care provided to recruits.

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Ho-Ho-Kus Police Department officially Welcomes Officer Tyler Cronin Back to the Department

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photo courtesy of the Ho-Ho-Kus Police Department

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ho-Ho-Kus NJ, this week the Ho-Ho-Kus Police Department officially welcomed Officer Tyler Cronin back to the department. Officer Cronin began his career with us as a dispatcher. He was then able to complete the police academy and gain significant experience in another town before coming back to where it all started.

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Ridgewood debates size of police force


file photo Boyd Loving

Ridgewood debates size of police force
Thursday February 6, 2014, 9:35 AM
The Record

RIDGEWOOD — The Village Council this week continued discussion of a possible code amendment that would increase the number of patrolmen permitted on the police force.

No action was taken following Wednesday night’s meeting, which came on the heels of Tuesday’s confirmation from the Bergen County Prosecutor’s Office that it will be investigating the police chief’s recent attempts to hire two men, surpassing the mandated limit.

“We are reviewing [the chief’s decision] not as a criminal matter but solely as a complaint against a chief which, under Attorney General Guidelines, can only be investigated by the Prosecutor’s Office,” Prosecutor John Molinelli said in a statement.

Police Chief John Ward asked for an inquest by the prosecutor’s office last Thursday — the morning after he appeared before the Village Council to support a retroactive amendment to the code, augmenting the number of officers to 32.

Currently, the department can only have 30 patrol officers.

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Reader says No matter who gets hired, someone else will be upset because they didn’t get the job


Reader says No matter who gets hired, someone else will be upset because they didn’t get the job

Its not a perfect world but operating within the civil service rules is most ‘transparent’ way to deal with hiring and promotions.
Read the Bergen Record sometime. Constant lawsuits in Paramus over promotions.
Police departments have many recurring ‘themes’ that happen in every one.
Officers dislike each other because of ‘perceived slights’.
Who get a better schedule?
Who got the better squad car?
Who got promoted ‘over’ someone who ‘thought’ they deserved it?
Who got more ‘details/side jobs’ (PSEG work etc)
Who got ‘credit’ for an arrest?
Who got a better office?
Who’s ‘brownosing’ the brass and getting preferable treatment. ETC ETC.
Then it gets personal. Who is fooling around with someone’s ex-wife, ex-girlfriend etc.
Its a fact of life in law enforcement.
Its not a perfect system, but civil service has more guidelines that must be followed than a department that has not decided to operate under these rules.
No matter who gets hired, someone else will be upset because they didn’t get the job.
Such is life in the real world.
Suck it up and move on.

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Reader : Our Village Council has a history of reacting, rather than acting, to issues


Reader : Our Village Council  has a history of reacting, rather than acting, to issues

Our Village Council  has a history of reacting, rather than acting, to issues. Those offers never should have gone out without the proper approvals, and if HR and/or the VC missed it (just like they missed the PSE&G letter about the hundred foot poles) then it’s their fault.

Failure of management. They could have resolved the issue at the meeting and gotten it off the table but they drag it out, just like they drag everything out. If I read one more article about Valley Hospital I’ll scream. Make a decision already. You’re losing 7 officers, the chief wants to replace with 4, and if you don’t do the hires you’ll make up the coverage in overtime costs. Put a pencil to paper and figure it out.

The ‘nepotism’ clause requires VC approval so if the recruits are well qualified and the hires are needed then what is the problem? I feel very bad for the young guys affected due to this mismanagement and a quick resolution should be sought.

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Readers Begin to talk RECALL


Readers Begin to talk RECALL

All I can say is that if you don’t like what went on here then sign the RECALL PETITION when it comes around and believe me it coming around. A councilperson that signs a Ordinance and then claims that it was someone else fault does not deserve to be in office. Take responsibility for action.

New Jersey*

Const. Art. 1, §2(b)

Any elected official in the state or representing the state in the United States Congress. Includes local officials.

Recall may not commence during first year in office.

No specific grounds are required

Time for gathering signatures is 160 days.

Signature requirement is number equal to 25% of the registered voters of the district

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Reader says all Village departments are understaffed


Reader says all Village departments are understaffed

Yes they do. All Dept are understaffed. The new council had almost two years to do the right thing. We all suffer for the political line that we are keeping taxes down.The reason our taxes are high is because the BOE.

Although I some times break balls with he the DPW poster he is right in saying the they are under staffed. What I disagree with the posting is that he attacked other dept. I feel his frustration but that’s what this new council want ( in fighting) to distract the residents.

In the 70s and 80s ever dept was staffed higher then it is now.That will never happen again but it does mean that were have to drop to the levels that we have now. You know the saying. A house divided cannot stand. That’s their plan.

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Reader says No Wonder People don’t Speak up Their afraid of payback


Reader says No Wonder People don’t Speak up Their afraid of payback

That makes it right? Your answer is don’t run for office because there will political retribution not only on you which I,m sure he new would happen but it ok to extend this to your family. These are the moral people you want in office .

Sounds like a dictatorship. Let me do what I want or I will punish you and your family.

No wonder people don’t speak up. Their afraid of payback. What a country. Hear that everyone if you don’t like what the your government doing don’t try to change it because they will get you. Just keep your mouth shut and just let do what ever they want.

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Council knew of recruits legacy background before they were given the go ahead


Council knew of  recruits legacy background before they were given the go ahead

The village nepotism policy states that when a potential hire is a legacy, the village manager must supply the council with his or her legacy background.

If you watch the public meeting, Heather clearly states that she informed the council of the recruits legacy background before they were given the go ahead.

Then the council approved these two hires to proceed with medical exams, drug tests, and psychological exams.

The nepotism policy should not even be in question at this stage. Heather also stated that when question by Albert that no non-legacy candidate was skipped over.

In fact, the only candidate that was skipped over was a legacy. In addition, the skipped candidate is the one who has the most political and municipal ties of them all.

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Council Apologist Says Stay out of Politics if you Don’t Want Retribution


Council Apologist Says Stay out of Politics if you Don’t Want Retribution

Either the town is a civil service town (as we are, and as such we comply with civil service rules) or its not. The ‘nepotism’ policy, despite being well intended, does not have any place in a town that is governed by civil service rules. By applying this on top of civil service, someone could probably spend a few dollars on an attorney and invalidate it.
It would be an appropriate policy if we had a ‘chief’s test’ whereby ‘favorites’ or insiders (such as dispatchers) were hired, like many non-civil service towns.
Anyone who wants to rent a room or an apartment *and file federal income taxes and vote* can become a Village resident, eligible for hiring for any civil service position that requires residency. It does not require you to ‘grow up in town’.
Despite all of the above written by other posters, politics and ‘paybacks’ are the way it is in the real world.
If someone had a bitch with the former Mayor and chose to bring a legitimate question up before the council, so be it. The council must act in accordance with their ‘nepotism’ policy, or rescind it.
If one chooses to ‘throw their hat’ into the political arena, one must be ready to ‘suffer the consequences’. If the former mayor was more concerned about his son’s future employment, maybe he should have not entered politics and sat on the sidelines and enjoyed his retirement check.
That’s the way it is in the real world. And that’s why many successful businessman from the private sector wouldn’t get into politics…EVER.

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Ridgewoood Police Recruit Scandal Reader says nothing but political pay back



file photo Boyd Loving

Ridgewoood Police Recruit Scandal Reader says nothing but political pay back

Aronsohn never forgave those three Councilpersons for not making him Deputy Mayor and now has systematically gone after everyone one of them as witnessed at the council meeting and now this.

Pucciarellli never forgave two Councilpersons for not appointing him head of the planning board and has said as much to people. (that is way he ran for office)
Hauck is the worst of them all, she does not think for herself and just does what she is told.

The retired police captain who spoke up blames the former mayor for not making him chief. I might and but not sure was Pucciarellli best man.He also hates Chief Ward and said so on public. So there you have folks It has nothing to do with nepotism, ordinance or money. Its payback time folks.

Microsoft Store

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Reader says Aronsohn and Pucciarelli threw the police chief under the bus


file photo Ridgewood PD

Reidgewood Police Recruit Scandal : Reader says Aronsohn and Pucciarelli threw the police chief under the bus

Aronsohn and Pucciarelli threw the police chief under the bus. They made him the problem. News flash: police chiefs do not authorize hiring lines, they execute promises of employment.

The Council authorized through a budget line, the VM told the Chief to execute a promise of employment then Aronsohn and Pucciarelli saw the name Killion. Landers, a former cop who works for the village as does his son, claims nepotism from the audience.

In the end, Cheif Wards authority is undermined, the rank and file police offices lose trust in the chain of command, and a young recruit loses a job. Since when do we go after people’s kids? A new low even for Aronsohn and pucciaelli.

Microsoft Store

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Reader says a decorated family history of public service, did everything right in the hiring process but they just had the wrong last names


file photo by Boyd Loving

Reader says a decorated family history of public service, did everything right in the hiring process but they just had the wrong last names

How to become a ridgewood police officer:
1. Resident of ridgewood
2. Score well on the civil service exam
3. Village council has to ok recruits in the budget, which are put into almost every pd budget.
4. Pass psych, medical, background

Top scores who want the job always get hired. Now with that being said, from what I’m aware, the only people to ever get passed over or skipped, (excluding deferrals) from the lists in the last 20+ years, were done so by upper management not in law enforcement, (gabbert). So where in that process can the chief pick his guy. (Insert nepotism conspiracy theory here) Test scores tell the story. The Chief has no control over that.

The fact is, when kids grow up in a family with members in police or fire, they have a passion to follow that career path. Civil service was put in place to make sure it is earned and not political, (test score). Want it bad enough, take a test prep course. It’s not a perfect system, but look at towns that give their own test. I can see it being more of problem there.

“Nepotism is rampant in police and fire” is only said to stir up the mob of uninformed police & fire haters. It sounds like these two young men, with a decorated family history of public service, did everything right to get to where they were in the hiring process, but in this case, they just had the wrong last names, weird.

FYI, nepotism in the private sector “is rampant.” No wait a minute, that’s just called networking for your son or daughter

Microsoft Store

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Ridgewood police recruits told to unpack bags for police academy


Ridgewood police recruits told to unpack bags for police academy
Thursday January 30, 2014, 5:18 PM
The Ridgewood News

The Village of Ridgewood is in violation of its own personnel regulations, a discovery that is preventing two police recruits from attending the Bergen County Police Academy. The two candidates, conditionally hired by the Ridgewood Police Department on Jan. 17, already received uniforms and were prepared for the six-month county training but were told to unpack their bags Wednesday night – just hours before the academy was slated to begin Thursday morning.

An ordinance currently included in Ridgewood’s code caps the number of police department patrol officers at 30. The department had 31 officers, though that number is permitted under the ordinance because one sergeant position remains vacant. The two Jan. 17 hires, however, pushed Ridgewood beyond the allowable limit.

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