the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, recent reports confirming that the COVID-19 virus probably came from a Chinese lab don’t surprise most voters, who suspect U.S. officials may have been involved in a cover-up.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that, looking back on the pandemic, 42% of Likely U.S. Voters rate the job done by U.S. public health officials in dealing with COVID-19 as good or excellent. Thirty-seven percent (37%) give U.S. officials a poor rating for their handling of the virus. (To see survey question wording, click here.)
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There was a time when a non-partisan analysis could have be done regarding the government’s response, policies and procedures of the COVID pandemic. It is sad that this can not be done in this divided political landscape. There is so much of VALUE to learn.
Looks likes some of the Ridgewood council members
Trump is right again… and ahead of the curve.
Bring back:
Strong Defense of America against her enemies.
Fat $401(k)s
$2.00 gasoline (and eggs)
3% interest rates.
and I’ll tolerate some mean tweets.
….and a tripled deficit.
….and some light treason.
Right, with Trump, there was none of that heavy treason and deficit spending too big to count like we have with the Biden Crime Family
only 67% ? ===> the name of the disease is on the lab in Wuhan ===> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sSfejgwbDQ8
This is going to be interesting. All the bullshit it’s gonna come out. That’s going to be the new sang of 2023. Let’s get all the bullshit out.
If 67% of the people think it came from a lab there is hope. The 33% that think it came from nature are the real science deniers.