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Fair Lawn Resident Safely Evacuated After Fire Engulfs Home

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photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Fair Lawn NJ, a Fair Lawn resident was safely evacuated after a fire broke out at her single-family home in the 3500 block of Linwood Road on Wednesday, October 23rd. The blaze, which began outside the home, quickly spread to the garage area, prompting a swift response from local emergency services.

Fair Lawn Police Department (FLPD) officers arrived at the scene shortly after receiving a 911 call around 2:30 PM, and immediately assisted the homeowner in evacuating the property. Thankfully, no injuries were reported.

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Multiple units from the Fair Lawn Fire Department, along with the Fair Lawn Rescue Squad, responded to the fire and worked to bring it under control. While the left rear side of the house was significantly damaged, firefighters prevented the flames from spreading further into the residence.

At this time, the cause of the fire remains under investigation, but the rapid response from local first responders ensured the safety of both the resident and the surrounding neighborhood.

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One thought on “Fair Lawn Resident Safely Evacuated After Fire Engulfs Home

  1. Poor old Fairlawn, the politicians ruined that down. Look at it now overbuilding a lot of problems. It’s became one big melting pot north Patterson.

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