GUILTY: Convicted Former Clinton Staffer Kathleen Kane to Resign as Pennsylvania Attorney General
Former Hillary Clinton staffer Kathleen Kane was found guilty Tuesday of perjury and other charges. Kane was found guilty on nine felony charges in total for allegedly leaking confidential information to the media.
Kane, the attorney general of Pennsylvania, plans to resign from her post Wednesday as she faces prison time.
yeah, yeah, but did you hear about that Trump guy… what a kooky guy.
Kathy learned all of her tricks from Bill and Killary…
Interesting how you managed to work Hillary Clinton into this story. Conspiracies abound with 6 degrees of separation.
President Clinton will pick the next supreme court justice, increase taxes and change our healthcare and social security systems.
The Republican party and Reince Priebus are responsible for this mess. Trump has a very dedicated band of followers but he will never have enough to win. He will lose in a landslide. President Kasich would have been better.
are you serious 3:15?
The Hillary Clinton connection is the whole story…
If this was a Trump staffer, it would be the lead story of all mainstream news for days. However, it’s crickets on their news programming, instead, non-stop Trump-is-crazy stories.
Nothing to see here, move along.
3:15 am I to believe that she got her job based on her own merits? Your daft.