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Pallotta for Congress Launches Campaign Coalitions to Challenge Josh Gottheimer


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ramsey NJ, Republican Candidate for New Jersey’s Fifth Congressional District, Frank Pallotta, launched the following coalitions intended to create collaborative and meaningful dialogue across multiple voter segments in the Fifth District:

Women for Pallotta 


Passaic County GOP Vice Chairwoman, Joanie Walsh

Robin Marotta McCann

Michelle Rendo

Continue reading Pallotta for Congress Launches Campaign Coalitions to Challenge Josh Gottheimer

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the Ridgewood Blog Endorses Scott Garrett

Scott Garrett

November 6,2016

PJ Blogger and the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, in a recent editorial in the Glen Rock Patch former Ridgewood Mayor Paul Aronsohn gave Congressmen Scott Garrett a Negative Endorsement .

What’s a  Negative Endorsement you ask ? A Negative Endorsement is a when a disreputable person with dubious motives supports a candidate making the candidate they support even less desirable.

Aronsohn started with the usual,  “On a whole range of issues, he has taken positions that are extreme and completely out-of-sync with the mainstream values of northern New Jersey. This was true when I ran against him in 2006. This is still true today. In fact, he often takes positions that are out-of-sync with the other 11 members of the New Jersey delegation — democrats as well as republicans.”

Garrett is “out-of-sync”,says the man who tried to sell out the whole Village of Ridgewood  to hand full of developers .
Garrett is “out-of-sync”, says the man who every single candidate he supported in the last election lost in a massive landslide .
Garrett is “out-of-sync”, despite the fact he beat Aronsohn easily and has been reelected over and over by New Jersey Voters .
Garrett is “out-of-sync” , says the man who tried to blame PSEG Super Storm Sandy and pissed them off so much they cut power to the Village Hall .

Maybe Garrett is not “out-of-sync”, maybe Mr Ex Mayor , you are “out-of-sync” and a sore loser . To many in the Village of Ridgewood Aronsohn and his cronies represented the low water mark in Village history.

Former New York Mayor Ed Koch once said, “If you agree with me on nine out of 12 issues, vote for me. If you agree with me on 12 out of 12 issues, see a psychiatrist.”

I have always felt this was good advice and perhaps the Ex Mayor could seek some professional help.

Scott Garrett is a soft-spoken policy wonk , contrary to poor and biased coverage he receives from much of New Jersey’s Democratic and Union controlled  media  he is no “Right-wing firebrand”.

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Garrett actually read Dodd-Frank all 2000 plus pages.  I know not very glamorous , but what is glamorous is all the work Scott has done on making “CrowdFunding ” easier. Easy enough to have a Pizza Shop in Ridgewood rebuilt because of Indego. On a larger scale, many entrepreneurs can now raise capital independently on Wall Street Investment banks .

Scott has also pushed back on the “too big to fail” , which contrary to media coverage this has made him a target of Wall Street  and a target of Real-estate interests . Do you really think all banks should be entitled to taxpayer bailouts and for that matter, Dodd-Frank makes many key industries in the US “too big to fail” creating a “bailout nation”.

To quote former Fed Chair Alan Greenspan , as a policy “too big to fail” creates a”moral hazard”. Meaning the risk in the USA is socialized while profits and concentrated on the politically favored.

Garrett has been attacked repeatedly on his supposed “anti-gay “comments , his offices have even been the target of media coordinated , media and Democrat orchestrated fake protests . No evidence has ever been offered as to these comments ,no tapes, video , pictures  or transcripts ,nothing period.

While  his Clintonista challenger Josh Gottheimer has accepted money from wife beaters , Saudi Arabia , disgraced ex-congressmen and every industry looking to get on the taxpayer bailout band wagon.
The reality is Garrett is conservative yes , and while he is the incumbent he is also a Washington outsider . He opposes wasteful spending ,no matter what the cost and most importantly he is what he is and makes no representation otherwise .
He proved right to be skeptical on Obamacare, and the Iranian Nuke deal, as well as the management of disaster aid .
This is why once again the Ridgewood blog endorses and will continue to endorse Scott Garrett .
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THE BERGEN RECORD CONFIRMS: No Garrett Tax – And Debunks Other Gottheimer Lies

Gottheimer failed to pay his personal property taxes

November 5,2016

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

 Hackensack NJ,  Josh Gottheimer is running a campaign based on name-calling and lies – don’t take our word for it – The Record’s exhaustive fact check exposes Gottheimer’s falsehoods and fabrications.

  • THE RECORD: Garrett Tax Charges Are A Gottheimer Lie: “Garrett has not voted to raise taxes, according to Grover Norquist of Americans for Tax Reform, a group that urges public officials to pledge not to raise taxes and tracks whether they follow the pledge. Norquist said that arguing that opposing spending somehow raises taxes is “too weird for words.” (Garrett vs. Gottheimer: Fact-checking North Jersey’s rough ‘n’ tumble 5th Congressional race, The Record, 11/4/2016)
  • THE RECORD: Garrett Supports 9/11 Responders: “Garrett responded with his own ad featuring firefighters, one of whom is a Republican state legislator who contributed to Garrett’s campaign, accusing Gottheimer of telling an “outright lie.” (Garrett vs. Gottheimer: Fact-checking North Jersey’s rough ‘n’ tumble 5th Congressional race, The Record, 11/4/2016)
  • THE RECORD: Gottheimer “assaulted” neighbor and “bought her silence.” “Gottheimer ‘aggressively intimidated and assaulted’ a woman who lived in a Washington, D.C., building where Gottheimer was condo association board president.” (Garrett vs. Gottheimer: Fact-checking North Jersey’s rough ‘n’ tumble 5th Congressional race, The Record, 11/4/2016)
  • THE RECORD: Gottheimer failed to pay his personal property taxes. “Gottheimer “failed to pay his property taxes on the same luxury DC condo six times.” [Gottheimer] “paid the amount due, $2,433 including interest and penalties, in January.” (Garrett vs. Gottheimer: Fact-checking North Jersey’s rough ‘n’ tumble 5th Congressional race, The Record, 11/4/2016)
  • THE RECORD: Gottheimer supports “outrageous Washington spending.” “Gottheimer supported spending millions of tax dollars on studies to determine “if a bumblebee is hairier than a squirrel, to monitor shrimp on a treadmill, and wine-tasting parties in India.” (Garrett vs. Gottheimer: Fact-checking North Jersey’s rough ‘n’ tumble 5th Congressional race, The Record, 11/4/2016)
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Garrett Hammers Fed Chairwoman on Political Conflicts of Interest

House Budget Panel Holds Hearing to Receive  Views on Fiscal 2012

September 30,2016

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, During a congressional hearing on Wednesday Rep. Scott Garrett (R., N.J.) questioned Fed Chairwoman Janet Yellen about alleged conflicts of interest on the board. The congressman asked specifically about Fed governor Lael Brainard and her donations and connections to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.

Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen’s defense of the central bank as non-partisan came under attack on Wednesday, as a Republican congressman cornered her on whether a key policy maker would have a conflict of interest in discussing a post in the next U.S. president’s administration.

Fed Governor Lael Brainard has donated to Clinton’s campaign and is widely viewed as a potential Clinton pick for Treasury secretary. Yellen hesitated and then demurred when Representative Scott Garrett of New Jersey asked whether Brainard would have a conflict of interest if she were indeed in talks with Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton’s campaign about a position

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Gottheimer’s Actions Speak Louder Than Words on the Iran Deal

September 21,2016

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Josh Gottheimer has been telling voters in the Fifth District that he’s an unwavering friend of Israel, and yet actions speak louder than words. This weekend, he campaigned with J Street darling Rep. Ben Luján, yet another prominent supporter of the Iran nuclear deal.

Josh Gottheimer has refused to condemn the Iran ransom payment, and he’s received campaign support from frequent critics of Israel.  Gottheimer can spin the truth all he wants, but these actions clearly demonstrate that he will be yet another voice in favor of the failed Obama-Clinton foreign policy agenda.

Gottheimer Campaigner Rep. Ben Luján: head of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, supports Iran Deal (Rep. Ben Ray Luján backs Iran deal,AlbuquerqueJournal, 09/04/2015)

Gottheimer Campaigner Rep. James Clyburn:protested Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to Congress, supports Iran Deal (58 members of Congress skipped Netanyahu’s speech, CNN, 03/03/2015)
Gottheimer Campaigner Rep. Donald Payne:protested Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to Congress, supports Iran Deal (58 members of Congress skipped Netanyahu’s speech, CNN, 03/03/2015)
Gottheimer Campaign Contributor Rep. Nancy Pelosi: President Obama’s chief whip in the House of Representatives for the Iran Deal (Behind Pelosi’s Iran deal campaign, Politico, 9/11/2015)
Gottheimer Campaign Contributor Rep. Doris Matsui: Supports Iran Deal (Congresswoman Matsui Statement on Iran Nuclear Agreement, Congressional Website, 8/11/2015)
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Aronsohn Floods Ridgewood League of Women Voters with Cronies and Political Hacks

August 18,2016

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, the ex mayor Paul Aronsohn and his cronies have flooded the membership of the Ridgewood League of Women Voters. According to their website the League of Women Voters is a non-partisan political organization encourages the active and informed participation of citizens in government and influences public policy through education and advocacy.

The League does not support or oppose any candidate or party. Operating on a non-profit, voluntary basis, its work is financed by dues and contributions from members and the general public. Membership is open to all citizens of voting age.

Readers claim, “This could be the LWV’s best-ever new member drive…or the worst, since nobody wants to be with those people. Newbies include Wyne, Winograd, Sonenfeld. All at once.” While other say ,”Aronsohn has now joined the league, and Rurik and Gwenn. Must miss.”

Most readers are quite skeptical over a group of clearly proven partisan hacks joining a supposed “non-partisan political organization” .Will attempts be made to manipulate the electorate and misrepresent  information like past Aronsohn campaigns ie… “the Vote Yes” for the Hudson Street garage campaign ? Or will Aronsohn be shut down in dead end political never land ?

 And of coarse what about credibility ,just when the league had finally began to regain some relevance after years of filtering on the edge of extinction but who will now take them seriously ?
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Former Hillary Clinton staffer Kathleen Kane was found guilty Tuesday of perjury and other charge

Kathleen Kane

GUILTY: Convicted Former Clinton Staffer Kathleen Kane to Resign as Pennsylvania Attorney General

Former Hillary Clinton staffer Kathleen Kane was found guilty Tuesday of perjury and other charges. Kane was found guilty on nine felony charges in total for allegedly leaking confidential information to the media.

Kane, the attorney general of Pennsylvania, plans to resign from her post Wednesday as she faces prison time.

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Gottheimer Silent on $400 million Bribe Paid to Iran the world’s largest state sponsor of terrorism

Joshua S
August 11,2016

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Congressman Scott Garrett has been a strong advocate for Israel. He has sponsored or cosponsored numerous pieces of legislation supporting Israel’s right to defend its sovereignty, recognizing Jerusalem as the undivided capital of Israel, and condemning Palestinian rocket attacks on Israeli civilians. He was an outspoken member of the Iran Sanctions Conference Committee, calling for full implementation of strong sanctions against the Iranian regime, and he strongly opposed the Iran Nuclear Deal. In contrast, our Democrat challenger, Josh Gottheimer, claims to be a supporter of Israel, but he waited weeks before publicly stating his position, obviously waiting to see which way the wind was blowing. That’s not leadership, that’s political opportunism.

What You Won’t Read in the Liberal Media: Gottheimer Praises Obama on Iran

Despite his recent political positioning otherwise, Josh Gottheimer has a track record of being a vocal supporter of President Obama’s Iran policy. You would have no way of knowing that, because despite being provided this information, The Record, Star Ledger, NJ Herald, and other NJ papers have refused to write about this important issue.

The Iranian government just wrapped up some impressive “fundraising” this past quarter. Usually their “donors” are terrorist organizations and states that threaten our security.  Well, apparently that “donor list” now includes President Obama and Hillary Clinton’s State Department. Recently, it has been reported that the Obama Administration gave $400 million to the world’s largest state sponsor of terrorism.

Before he was a congressional candidate, Gottheimer was a political strategist who served as a surrogate for Obama/Clinton foreign policies as a frequent contributor on cable news.

Voters in the Fifth District are curious to know – what does Josh Gottheimer really think? Is he saying one thing just to get elected, when really, he’s just a mouthpiece for a Democrat Administration?

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Candidate Josh Gottheimer Presents his “Economic Plan” in Ridgewood today at 11am

Joshua S
June 28,2016

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ,  Josh Gottheimer will outline his “comprehensive plan” to spur economic growth and create jobs in New Jersey’s 5th Congressional District Wednesday.

Gottheimer another PR person like Ridgewood Mayor Paul Aronsohn .Not sure many residents will share any enthusiasm given the bad taste the Jim Mac Greevey mouth piece has left in Ridgewood .Gottheimer donor list is a who’s who of Big Government ,Unions, pro Wall Street bailouts, pro-corporate welfare , pro-crony types looking to remove the last impediment to getting their hands on more tax payer money.

According to his press release ,Gottheimer will be joined by local business leaders at Ridgewood Cycle Shop at 11 a.m in Ridgewood on Wednesday to present his “comprehensive plan” to spur economic growth and create good-paying jobs for 5th District families. The local business leaders seem to be a laundry list of the same people who brought you “Garagezilla ” and other crony related projects the soon to be former mayor Paul Aronsohn tried to jam down residents throats in Ridgewood .

For his part Rep. Scott Garrett (NJ-05) will be in Wyckoff at the Blue Moon Mexican Café at 2pm on Thursday to discuss issues facing small businesses, like restaurants, in New Jersey including  taxes and health care.