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Garrett, Cho hold first debate for 5th Congressional District seat
October 25,,2014
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ , According to the Bergen Record , “The ideological differences between Rep. Scott Garrett, R-Wantage, and his Democrat challenger Roy Cho were on display during their first debate Friday morning hosted by a Hackettstown radio station.”
Basically a Reagan style conservative versus and Obamabot , socialist.
Scott Garrett is seeking his seventh term as representative from the 5th Congressional District against a well financed challenger Roy Cho with some polls showing the race closer than many expected.
Friday’s debate was hosted by WRNJ radio, and moderated by Morning Show host Mike Galley. Topics ranged from health care to education but largely focused on the candidate’s on the role of government spending..
Cho a newbie is considered a proponent of “Obamanomics” by many and a socialist by his critics . Cho seemed to take the view that more government and more government spending , like the president was the answer for everything .
The Record reported , “Cho charged that Garrett’s position on cutting government spending does not protect the interests of his constituents – their tax dollars end up elsewhere if their representative in Washington is not fighting for their needs. He said the 5th Congressional District needs a representative who will spend tax dollars wisely in areas like infrastructure, education and clean energy.
“This is not spending,” Cho said. “This is focusing on how we can have long-term revenue growth.”
Garrett a six term congressmen sits on the House Committee on Financial Services, he is Chairman, Subcommittee on Capital Markets and Government Sponsored Enterprises and a member of the, Subcommittee on Housing and Insurance. Garrett also sits so the House Committee on the Budget amd Scott is also founder and Chairman of the Congressional Constitution Caucus .
Garret not surprisingly said the biggest problem in Washington is wasteful spending, especially for failed federal programs. It is the taxpayers who earn their money and should be the ones who not only keep it but decide where it goes, Garrett said.
“I believe that Washington has a spending problem and not a revenue problem,” said Garrett, who said he wants to continue to work “to make Washington spend within its means.” .
Garrett also said the federal government should stay out of how children are educated. Garrett said he opposed federal standards like the No Child Left Behind Act and Common Core.
Cho is a big proponent the wildly unpopular “common core” which even the very partisan Bergen County Freeholders all joined forces and in what amounted to mostly a ceremonial vote resoundingly rejected common core. Most critics agree that common core will be a disaster for Bergen high achieving school districts
Garrett, whose daughters were homeschooled, said states, parents and local boards of education should have not only a say in but full control over how their children are educated because they care about them the most – not a Washington bureaucrat.
“As a father, as a parent, I believe the control rests at home,” Garrett said.
Even with education Cho argued though that a “delicate balance” between national standards and local input is necessary for ensuring bright futures for children. Communities should have a say in what works best for their kids, but all students need to be ready to start college or a job with the same set of skills — the federal government should help ensure that.
“We have to involve all the stakeholders,” Cho said.
Then the debate also touched on the candidate’s stances on the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare which has been highly controversial and so far lived up to the worst exceptions of the critics.
Garrett said he bought an insurance policy through the system and experienced the opposite of what President Obama had promised — his rates went up by $2,500 and he lost his doctor.
A provision in the Affordable Care Act — sponsored by a Republican senator from Iowa — did require members of Congress and their staffs to enroll in in a Washington, D.C., insurance exchange set up for small businesses and their employees. Lawmakers and aides do receive subsidies from the government, their employer, but depending on the plan chosen and the age of family members covered, rates and deductibles could be higher. That’s because the subsidies are capped and they previously had been part of an insurance pool made up of millions of federal employees nationwide.
Cho once again embraced the presidents plan but acknowledged that there are issues with the act that need to be fixed. Then he asserted that it also has helped many by providing coverage for those with pre-existing conditions and allowing those under 26 to stay on their family’s plan. , which is at best highly debatable .
I saw one of Che’s lackeys putting up signs yesterday on the Grove Street island leading up to Paramus Road.
He was an unkempt- looking slob. He placed a Che sign in from of each Garrett sign and then another right behind it. Real clever. Skunk.
Scott Garret is no Ronald Regan style anything. Ronald Regan would never have voted against providing funding for victims of hurricanes. Regan understood global warming and signed the Montreal Protocol. He would never have supported intelligent design. As a governing principle he believed in compromise with both parties and in the virtue of signing treaties with foreign governments.
Regan, unlike Garrett, was a statesman. Garrett is an ideologue and one so committed he is willing to hold our nation hostage to make a point.
Brain get your story straight and get your self educated , Reagan vetoed the boondoggle called the “clean water act ” , which the dopes in the press pronounced he was against clean water , Regan was also opposed to bailing out NYC in the 70”s . Garrett voted against “Sandy aid” because most of the money had nothing to do with Sandy Aid , and he was the only one with balls to do it and like Regan the stuck on stupid media says he was against helping people in need .
Garrett took the lead in flood insurance reform
Garrett did push for Sandy Aid
Congressman Scott Garrett is seen as the prime obstacle for lobbyist want to get there hands on your money. ( ) .
a vote for Cho is a vote for Obama