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Genetically Engineered ‘Supertrees’ Capture More Carbon

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Living Carbon is a San Francisco-based startup that is genetically engineering trees to capture and store more carbon. Its goal is to combat the effects of climate change without needing to take up land that could otherwise be used for agriculture. Fewer trees would need to be planted if they were able to absorb and retain more carbon.

What could possible go wrong with that? There are still many factors to consider before the trees become a reality, such as the environmental impact the trees will have and whether the modifications make the trees more vulnerable to disease.

2 thoughts on “Genetically Engineered ‘Supertrees’ Capture More Carbon

  1. When the next town tree which is as dead as a door nail falls on a house and kills one of our Ridgewood families this is what will be put in its place.. CUT DOWN THE DAMM DEAD TOWN TREES ON RESIDENTS Property! Before the town has blood on their hands!

  2. That’s right, instead of going out inspecting old town trees that need to come down immediately the powers to be worry about bullshit stuff. Have a list and send To a contractor to remove them all immediately. A big old gigantic town tree falls on a house destroys it hopefully doesn’t hurt or kill anybody towns responsible.

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